The energy drink " SHONAN GOLD ENERGY " that we reviewed on the other day was an energy drink sold only in Kanagawa Prefecture.
The energy drink is made from Shonan Gold, which is known as the " fantastic orange," so it is sure to be a great souvenir! It is a local energy drink that is sure to be appreciated as a souvenir.
We searched for other energy drinks unique to the area and found one at a service area in Chiba Prefecture!
This is a review of Chiba Local Energy, an energy drink from Chiba Prefecture!
Attention all gamers living in Chiba Prefecture! Here you go!
神奈川限定エナドリ!「幻のオレンジ」を使ったSHONAN GOLD ENERGYで気分をアゲろ!
What's in the Chiba Prefecture's energy drink that's so unexpected?

I found "Chiba Local Energy" at the Wangan Makuhari PA on the Higashi-Kanto Expressway.
Service areas and parking areas on expressways are hot right now in my opinion! I always come across something interesting.
The price was 210 yen ( tax included), about the same as an ordinary energy drink.

The package has the word " Chiba " written in Chinese characters, so there are no excuses for this drink.
It even includes a silhouette of Chiba Prefecture.

And the words " LOCAL EN ERGY" are written on the package. Since it is called "local energy," it must be an energy drink full of Chiba-ness.

Check out the ingredients list on the back.
It contains 120 mg of arginine and32 mg of caffeine, which is comparable to ordinary energy drinks.
Since each bottle is 250ml, the caffeine content is 80mg per bottle.
Then check out the ingredients.
Chiba is famous for peanutsand soy sauce. Personally, " Namero " and " Takeoka-style ramen " also come to mind.
I wondered what was in it...

Hmmm? There is nothing in particular that looks like it.
And if you look closely...

What in the world is "Chiba Local Energy"?
Well, the important thing is the taste! I bet it tastes like peanuts or soy sauce or something!
Let's drink it anyway!



Ah, ah, ah...

In case you're wondering, "Chiba Prefecture is known for its blue! " I tried to find out if it is generally known, but I could only find a page like " About the occurrence of blue tide.
Why blue... Chiba local energy...

No, I still have to check the taste. It must taste like... Chiba!
Mysterious energy drink "Chiba Local Energy

The above is a review of Chiba Local Energy, an energy drink only available in Chiba.
The fact that it was actually born in Hiroshima, the fact that it does not use ingredients typical of Chiba, the fact that it is mysteriously blue, and the fact that it does not have a particularly Chiba-like taste, it seems that the hidden power of "Chiba Local Energy" remains hidden.
If you live in Chiba Prefecture and have tried Chiba Local Energy, please let us know on Saiga NAK' Twitter account what you think of Chiba Local Energy! Please let us know what you think of Chiba Local Energy!
We are also looking for information on local energy drinks! We are looking forward to hearing about energy drinks in your town!