The latest title in the "Street Fighter" series, " Street Fighter 6," the gold standard of fighting games, is now less than three months away from its June 2, 2023 (Friday) release. One such feature is the "automatic play-by-play commentary" function, which uses AI technology to liven up battles just like in a tournament. The addition of actress Hikaru Takahashi was recently announced, and all eight play-by-play commentators have been announced at the time of the game's release. While some of them are well-known in the gaming world, I personally can't help but be curious about Mr. Demon, who will celebrate his 100,000th birthday in 2022. Street Fighter 6" has been available for closed beta testing and trial play at events, and of course, it was announced that it will also be available for trial play at EVO Japan 2023, one of Japan's largest fighting game festivals!
Actress Hikaru Takahashi joins as a Real-Time Commentator for Street Fighter 6!
Original custom stickers will be given away at the event!

At EVO Japan 2023, "Street Fighter 6" will be on display at the Capcom booth in the Game Publisher Area. Players will be able to try out the " Fighting Grounds " mode, where they will be able to play against other players using their own characters, and will have the opportunity to try out the following characters from the announced list of playable characters

- Ryu
- Chun-Li
- Jamie
- Luke
- Guile
- Kimberly
- Juli
- Ken
The following 8 characters are available for use. The recently announced "Cammy" will not be available for a while longer. Those who try out the game will also receive an original "Street Fighter 6" custom sticker, but the number of stickers will be limited.

Street Fighter V Champion Edition " is the main tournament title for EVO Japan 2023, and will probably be the last "Street Fighter V Champion Edition" at EVO Japan 2023. Street Fighter V Champion Edition" will probably be the last "Street Fighter V Champion Edition" at EVO Japan 2023. This may be one of the reasons why so many players have entered the Street Fighter V Champion Edition, and many Street Fighter fans are expected to attend the event. If you want to try out the game and get a sticker, please consider coming to the Capcom booth early! For more information, please visit the " Street Fighter 6" EVO Japan 2023 exhibition site!
EVO Japan 2023にスト6試遊出展決定?
DAY1:3/31(金) 11:00-19:00⁰DAY2:4/1(土) 11:00-19:00⁰DAY3:4/2(日) 11:00-18:00
at 東京ビッグサイト?
— ストリートファイター / STREET FIGHTER (@StreetFighterJA) March 13, 2023