Namco Bandai Entertainment Inc. is holding a " Downloadable Version Sale " starting Wednesday, October 9, 2024. Don't miss the chance to save up to 83% off popular titles such as " GOD EATER 3," " Dragon Ball Z KAKAROT Special Edition," and " ONE PIECE Kaizoku Musou 4!
Downloadable Version Sale" with up to 83% off is now underway!

From October 9, 2024 (Wed.), a sale will be held at PlayStation Store and Nintendo eShop, where you can save money on selected items. On the PlayStation Store, "GOD EATER 3" will be 25% off and "Dragon Ball Z KAKAROT Special Edition" will be 35% off. On the Nintendo eShop, "Tales of Symphonia Remaster" is available at 36% off. This is a great opportunity to save money and buy the titles you've been looking forward to!
PlayStation Store
The sale will run from Wednesday, October 9, 2024 to Wednesday, October 23, 2024.
Sale applies to: PlayStation5/PlayStation4
- Dragon Ball Z KAKAROT Special Edition: 4,275 yen (35% OFF)
- "Tales of ARISE": 2,860 yen (35% off) PlayStationPlus subscribers: 2,640 yen (40% off)
- "ONE PIECE ODYSSEY Deluxe Edition": 7,150 yen (35% OFF)
Sale target:PlayStation4
- "GOD EATER 3": 2,970 yen (25% off) PlayStationPlus subscribers: 2,772 yen (30% off)
- "Tales of Symphonia Remastered": 3,725 yen (32% off) PlayStationPlus subscribers: 3,451 yen (37% off)
- "ONE PIECE Kaizoku Musou 4":2,992 yen (32% OFF)
- "ONE PIECE WORLD SEEKER": 1,421 yen (83% OFF)
- "SD Gundam Generation Cross Raze": 2,310 yen (40% OFF)
- "JoJo`s Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle R": 4,990 yen (35% OFF)
- "ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN 25th Anniversary Edition": 3,850 yen (50% off) PlayStationPlus subscribers: 3,465 yen (55% off)
- "SOULCALIBUR VI Welcome Price! 1,232 yen (60% OFF) PlayStationPlus subscribers: 1,078 yen (65% OFF)
Nintendo eShop

The sale period is from October 9, 2024 (Wed) to November 3, 2024 (Wed). A special sale page is also available on Nintendo's official website.
Sale items: Nintendo Switch
- Tales of Vesperia Remaster": 2,490 yen (60% OFF)
- "Super Robot Wars V": 3,990 yen (52% off)
- "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for Nintendo Switch":1,960 yen (34% OFF)
- "ONE PIECE Kaizoku Musou 4":3,490 yen (20% OFF)
- "Jujutsu Kaisen Senka Souran": 5,590 yen (34% OFF)
- "SD Gundam Battle Alliance Ultimate Edition": 7,480 yen (50% OFF)
- "JoJo`s Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle R": 4,490 yen (41% OFF)
- "Disney Tsum Tsum Festival": 2,990 yen (55% OFF)
- "Ultra Monster Monster Rancher": 3,290 yen (50% OFF)
- "SWORD ART ONLINE Alicization Lycoris": 2,990 yen (52% OFF)
Various other game titles are also on sale. For details, please see the sale information on the official website of Namco Bandai Entertainment Inc.
最大83%OFF📢#PSストア と #ニンテンドーeショップ にて
✅ #ドラゴンボール Z KAKAROT スペシャルエディション
✅ #テイルズオブシンフォニア REMASTER
✅ #ONEPIECE 海賊無双4
— バンダイナムコエンターテインメント公式 (@bnei876) October 9, 2024