Blue Protocol, an online action RPG for PC jointly developed by Bandai Namco Online and Bandai Namco Studio, has been attracting attention as a highly anticipated Japanese online game, but it has been in development for more than a year since August 2021. However, the game was not updated on Twitter for more than a year after August 2021, and there were rumors that the development of the game had been suspended. However, since November 2022, Twitter updates have resumed, and in the irregular BLUE PROTOCOL official distribution "Blue Pro News", network tests and official services have been mentioned. The network test will finally begin on Friday, March 31, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.
BLUE PROTOCOL、新マップや新クラス「ヘヴィスマッシャー」などネットワークテストでプレイできるコンテンツが公開!!
【速報】延期されていた「BLUE PROTOCOL」ネットワークテストが3月31日から開催決定!
Extra Edition" of "BullPro News" just before the network test!
On Tuesday, March 28, 2023, the official BLUE PROTOCOL "Extra Edition" will be distributed! This time, the contents of the network test, which will be held from March 31, 2023 (Friday) at 2:00 p.m. to April 2, 2023 (Sunday) at 10:00 p.m., were introduced!

The distribution of the game will be accompanied by the familiar...
- Mr. Suzuki, Director of Operations and Producer of BLUE PROTOCOL, NAMCO BANDAI ONLINE
- Mr. Shimooka, Executive Producer of NAMCO BANDAI ONLINE PROJECT SKY BLUE
- Mr. Fukuzaki, Director of Development, BLUE PROTOCOL, NAMCO BANDAI Studio
Three people appeared on the show. In the most recent Blue Protocol News, the delivery was so mysterious that viewers were concerned, so it was a relief to see smiles on each of their faces.

Once again, we look back at the network test schedule. There will be planned maintenance on March 31, 2023 from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., but they would like you to try logging in all at once after the 9:00 p.m. maintenance to check the server load.
Content that can be played

In this network test, you will be able to play up to a character level of 20 and an adventure rank of 4.

In addition to "Asterlys," "Asteria Plains," and "Baha Mar Plateau," which were available in the previous closed beta test, "Montenol Valley" will be added. However, the enemies are too strong at character level 20, so it is recommended that players only explore the area.
Five playable classes

The "Aegis Fighter" plays the role of a tank, supporting allies' attacks by gaining enemy hate and blocking enemies' attacks by disabling their movement.

The "Twin Striker" is a melee attacker that creates combos and inflicts damage. The Twin Striker can also discard the drain effect and specialize in firepower, so use it flexibly depending on your class composition.

The "Blast Archer," which requires technical moves from medium to long range, can perform everything from ranged attacks, recovery, buffing, debuffing, and more. You need to use it with dexterity depending on the situation.

The "Spellcaster" specializes in firepower and is the most difficult class to handle as a solo player.

The "Heavy Smasher," which will be unveiled in the network test, can not only wield a large hammer at close range, but can also shoot a ball from medium range to draw enemies to it. It can also serve as a tank.
Guidelines for gameplay distribution and videos

Basically, you can distribute and post videos of the BLUE PROTOCOL network test as long as you comply with the BLUE PROTOCOL Guidelines for the Use of Copyrighted Materials posted on the official website.
However, since this is a network test in which only a limited number of players can participate, consideration for spoilers is required. When scenario progression or demos are included, we ask that you clearly state the "spoiler" in the title or description of the distribution.
In addition, since the music is played in the opening movie right after the game starts, it is suggested that the distribution should start after the opening movie...? He also suggested that it would be better to start after the opening movie if you are distributing the game. If you are doing live distribution, you know what I mean.
As long as the BLUE PROTOCOL Guidelines for the Use of Copyrighted Works are adhered to, it will be on a request basis with regard to other items, but we want to make the distribution pleasant for both the distributor and the viewer.
Network testing will be coming soon!
You can also watch an archived video of the "BullPro News Extra," in which the actual equipment was played and the skills were discussed in detail!
The next "Blue Protocoll News" will report on the official service launch date and updates after the service launches. For the latest information, check the official BLUE PROTOCOL website and Twitter (@BLUEPROTOCOL_JP )!