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CAPCOM Pro Tour" and "Street Fighter League" announce partnership with "Esports World Cup! Part of the "CAPCOM Pro Tour 2025" will be a qualifying tournament for the "Esports World Cup 2025".

「CAPCOM Pro Tour」「ストリートファイターリーグ」が「Esports World Cup」と3年間の連携を発表!「Esports World Cup 2025」優勝者は「CAPCOM CUP 12」の出場枠を獲得

CAPCOM Pro Tour " and " Street Fighter League " announced a three-year partnership with the "Esports World Cup," the world's largest e-sports event, at the "Street Fighter League: World Championship 2024" held from March 5 (Wed) to March 9 (Sun), 2025, at the Ryogoku Kokugikan in Tokyo. CAPCOM Pro Tour" and "Street Fighter League" will partner with " Esports World Cup ", the world's largest e-sports event, for three years starting in 2025. The winner of the "Esports World Cup 2025" will receive a slot in the "CAPCOM CUP 12" to be held in March 2026.

CAPCOM Pro Tour, Street Fighter League, and Esports World Cup to Collaborate

 カプコン主催大会がEsports World Cupと連携
Capcom-sponsored tournaments to be linked with Esports World Cup

Capcom's official tournaments, "CAPCOM Pro Tour" and " Street Fighter League," will be held in conjunction with the "Esports World Cup," a large-scale e-sports event to be held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, which has been announced as an annual event until 2027. Street Fighter League" will be closely linked to the " Esports World Cup", a super e-sports event to be held in Riyadh, Riyadh, Arabia!

The top finishers from "CAPCOM CUP 11" and "Street Fighter League: World Championship 2024" will advance to the "Esports World Cup 2025"!

大会出場者がEsports World Cup 2025に進出決定
Contestants will advance to Esports World Cup 2025!

The top eight finishers from "CAPCOM CUP 11" held at Ryogoku Kokugikan from March 5 (Wed.) to March 9 (Sun.), 2025, and the top twelve finishers from "Street Fighter League: World Championship 2024" held at the same venue on March 9 (Sun.), 2025, will advance to the Esports World Cup 2025. The top 12 competitors from the Street Fighter League: World Championship 2024, held on March 9, 2025 in Saudi Arabia, will advance to the Esports World Cup 2025, scheduled to be held in Saudi Arabia in the summer of 2025! This is sure to make the tournament even more exciting!

Some of the "CAPCOM Pro Tour 2025" tournaments will be used as qualifiers for the "Esports World Cup 2025"!

Esports World Cup 2025への進出権が与えられる大会
Capcom-sponsored tournaments will be linked to the Esports World Cup!

In addition, some of the "CAPCOM Pro Tour 2025" tournaments to be held in May 2025 will be qualifying tournaments for the "Esports World Cup 2025". The winners or runners-up of the following tournaments will be awarded the right to advance to the Esports World Cup 2025.

  • EVO Japan (Japan)
  • Combo Breaker (North America)
  • Blink Respawn(Dominican Republic)
  • CEO(North America)
  • EVO(North America)

The most recent EVO Japan will be held in May 2025, and the competition for the "Esports World Cup 2025" is expected to heat up even more.

The winner of "Esports World Cup 2025" will advance to "CAPCOM CUP 12!

優勝者はCAPCOM CUP 12の出場枠を獲得
The winner will receive a slot in CAPCOM CUP 12!

The winner of the "Esports World Cup 2025" will receive a slot in the "CAPCOM CUP 12" scheduled to be held in March 2026. This is a valuable slot for the "CAPCOM CUP 12," so keep an eye on the "Esports World Cup 2025.

For more information on each announcement, please visit the official CAPCOM Pro Tour 2025 website.


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

139951「CAPCOM Pro Tour」「ストリートファイターリーグ」が「Esports World Cup」と3年間の連携を発表!「Esports World Cup 2025」優勝者は「CAPCOM CUP 12」の出場枠を獲得
Street Fighter 6
  • PS Store
  • Xbox
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On-site report from CAPCOM CUP 11 ROUSERS ROUND 1, where the world's strongest Sto6 players will be decided!
On-site report from CAPCOM CUP 11 ROUSERS ROUND 1, where the world's strongest Sto6 player...

The final day of CAPCOM CUP 11, where the world's strongest Street Fighter 6 players will be determined, will be held on March 8, 2025 at Ryogoku Kokugikan in T