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e-sports team "DetonatioN FocusMe" announces sponsorship and sponsorship agreement with nosh, a frozen home-delivery meal service! Supporting the dietary habits of players and streamers!

eスポーツチーム「DetonatioN FocusMe」が冷凍宅配食サービス「nosh」とスポンサー協賛契約締結を発表!選手やストリーマーの食生活を支援!

DetonatioN FocusMe (DFM), a professional e-sports team operated by DetonatioN, a subsidiary of GameWith, Inc. Ltd., a provider of frozen home-delivery meal service "nosh.

DFM and Nash Corporation have signed a sponsorship agreement!


DFM, a professional e-sports team, announced today that it has signed a sponsorship agreement with Nash Corporation, a company that provides frozen subscriptions to Nash's unique nutritional value-based meal delivery service designed to combat lifestyle-related diseases. DFM will support players and streamers by providing them with Nash's frozen home-delivered meals to help them manage theirdiets andhealth. In addition, starting with the first campaign described below, they plan to conduct PR activities by the players and a second and third stage campaign in the future!

We look forward to DFM's growth in the future! For more information on the sponsorship agreement, please check the official DetonatioN FocusMe website.

DFM x nosh Sponsorship Agreement Commemorative First Campaign!

キャンペーンPR TIMES

The first campaign will be held to commemorate the DFM x nosh sponsorship agreement. This is a limited-edition DFM x nosh collaboration coupon that offers ¥2,000 off your first nosh purchase and ¥1,000 off every second to fourth purchase thereafter, for a total of ¥5,000 off.

Five winners will receive an original nosh DFM sticker and a player's autograph, and one winner will receive a uniform signed by a player in the DFM's VALORANT division. The original stickers can only be obtained at this event.

The original sticker is a rare item that can only be obtained here, so don't miss it! Entries will be accepted until 23:59 on January 31, 2025 (Fri.) by making a new purchase of nosh from the " DFM x nosh limited collaboration coupon page ".


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Professional e-sports team "DetonatioN FocusMe" announces sponsorship agreement with Mouse Computer Co!
Professional e-sports team "DetonatioN FocusMe" announces sponsorship agreement ...

DFM, a professional e-sports team, announced today that it has signed a sponsorship agreement with Mouse Computer, a manufacturer and distributor of build-to-or

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