DONUTS VARREL, a professional e-sports team operated by CELLORB Corporation, has announced a sponsorship agreement with AXIS Corporation.
DONUTS VARREL will support AXIS Corporation's internal activities such as in-house eSports social events and tie-ups with recruitment events.
"DONUTS VARREL" and AXIS Corporation have signed a sponsorship agreement!

DONUTS VARREL is a professional e-sports team with players from "VALORANT," "Tekken," "Street Fighter," etc., and has played in "League of Legends and "Splatoon".
Aksys, Inc. is a company that provides system integration (SI) and cloud solution services (CS).
STREET FIGHTER Division Mago Visits Axis Headquarters
To commemorate the sponsorship, Mago, who is active in the STREET FIGHTER division, visited the AXIS headquarters, exchanged greetings and opinions, shared his vision for the future, and shook hands firmly with Mr. Ogura, Chairman of AXIS Corporation.
Comments from AXIS Corporation
Axis will contribute to the development of e-sports as part of its sustainability activities through its sponsorship agreement with DONUTS VARREL. We believe that the collaboration between the team's goal of winning and Axis' goal of "contributing to society through digital means" will have a positive impact on our company's business. We expect that the affinity between Axis' mainstay IT engineers and e-sports will lead to increased awareness of the company and enhanced recruiting capabilities.
Comment from CELLORB Corporation
We are pleased to announce that DONUTS VARREL has signed a new sponsorship agreement with AXIS Corporation. We will continue to promote the appeal of AXIS Corporation through DONUTS VARREL's activities, including the use of their logo on our uniforms. In addition, DONUTS VARREL will contribute to the revitalization of internal interactions at AXIS Corporation through the planning and operation of internal events utilizing e-sports.
We will continue to focus on the further development of e-sports!
For more information, please visit the official websites of CELLORB Corporation and AXIS Corporation.