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National Prefectural eSports Championship 2023 KAGOSHIMA will be held under the title of "Puyopuyo eSports"!

「全国都道府県対抗eスポーツ選手権 2023 KAGOSHIMA」の実施タイトルに「ぷよぷよeスポーツ」が参加決定!

The "National eSports Championship 2023 KAGOSHIMA " will be held in Kagoshima Prefecture on November 25 (Sat.) and 26 (Sun.), 2023. The "National eSports Championships" will be held for the first time as a cultural program of the "Iki Iki Ibaraki Yume National Government and Iki Ibaraki Yume Tournament" in October 2019, and this will be the fifth time it has been held. The title of the "National eSports Championship 2023 KAGOSHIMA" will be " Puyo Puyo eSports " by SEGA!

The "National Prefectural eSports Championship 2023 KAGOSHIMA Puyopuyo Division" will be held!

Puyopuyo eSports

The Puyopuyo division will be held at the "National eSports Championship 2023 KAGOSHIMA". The "National eSports Championship 2023 KAGOSHIMA Puyopuyo Division" will be divided into two divisions, one for elementary school students and one for general players. The preliminary competition will be held in the future, and the winner will be selected to participate in the final competition to be held in Kagoshima Prefecture. Details on how to enter, the duration of the qualifying tournament, and the details of the competition will be announced at a later date, so stay tuned for more information! The "National eSports Championships" have always been hotly contested, and this year's event is sure to be another noteworthy one! For more details, please check the official website of "National eSports Championship 2023 KAGOSHIMA" or official Twitter (@JeSUofficial).

Tournament Outline
Name of the event National eSports Championship 2023 KAGOSHIMA Puyopuyo Division
Final Schedule Saturday, November 25 and Sunday, November 26, 2023
Final Venue Centella Tenmonkan (1-1 Sennichimachi, Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture)
Title Puyopuyo eSports" for Nintendo Switch
Division Elementary school student division / General division (12 years old and up)
Hosted by National eSports Championship 2023 KAGOSHIMA Executive Committee
Cooperation by SEGA Corporation


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34738「全国都道府県対抗eスポーツ選手権 2023 KAGOSHIMA」の実施タイトルに「ぷよぷよeスポーツ」が参加決定!
Puyo Puyo Champions
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©The National Prefectural Competitive Esports Championship 2023 KAGOSHIMA Executive Committee