SNK's latest title in the KOF series, " THE K ING OF FIGHTERS X V" (hereinafter referred to as "KOF XV"), will be released on February 17, 2022 (Thursday ), less than a month away!
Although there have been some changes in the release date due to the current situation, we can already say that it's almost here!
The last time we announced the entry of " Coola Diamond ", one of SNK's most famous heroines, we announced that she would be the 38th character to join the game. Last time, we announced the entry of "Coola Diamond," one of SNK's most iconic heroines.
KOF XV has 39 characters in its initial lineup, so there is only one character left!
With all the attention focused on who will be joining the game, the announcement will be made on Thursday, January 20, 2022!
今やSNKを代表するヒロインが満を持して参戦!「KOF XV」新キャラクタートレーラー「クーラ・ダイアモンド」公開!
My heart will never be broken! Elisabeth Brantorch" has entered the game!
The last of the early KOF XV characters, she made her first appearance in KOF XI. She is " Elisabeth Brantlouche ", the heroine of the "Ash Arc"!
Since the entry of "Ash Crimson " has been announced, many people may have expected her to join the game since her team was not announced until the very end.
Her interaction with Ash in the first half of the trailer is heartbreaking....
If you're curious about what's going on, you'll have to complete the "Ash Arc" from KOF 2003 to KOF XIII and the previous KOF XIV to see the ending!
The voice of Ash is played by Shizuka Ito, who has been playing a wide range of roles since KOF ALLSTAR ! She is a talented actress who plays a wide range of roles, but personally, I have a strong impression of her as a sissy character. And so it is with "Elisabeth Brantlouche"!
She is a user of the light manipulating martial art called " Hikari Kenjutsu " and fights quickly and brilliantly.
She was not a playable character in the previous KOF XIV and has not appeared in a game since KOF XIII, but in KOF XIII, I got the impression that her combos were very effective.
In KOF XIII, he seems to have a lot of combos, and I have the impression that if he gets hit by one of his " Coup de Vents," a move in which he slides toward his opponent and launches himself up into the air, he will be handed off to his opponent.
However, since this is the first KOF game to feature 3D graphics, we don't know how the game will be adjusted.
Since the release of the game is less than a month away, the best way to find out is to actually play it and see for yourself.

The final "Ash Team" has been formed!
The final KOF XV team, "Ash Team," will be formed by adding "Elisabeth Brantlouche" to the already announced "Ash Crimson" and "Kukuri.
The relationship between "Ash Crimson" and "Elisabeth Brantlouche" goes without saying, and their relationship with "Kukri" is also hinted at in the ending of the previous game.
The purpose of "Kukri," who is still a mystery, is likely to play a major role in the storyline of this work.

Now that the team has been announced, the annual " Ash Team Entry Memorial Campaign " is underway!
One lucky participant will win an autograph card signed by Shizuka Ito (Elisabeth) ,Satonosuke Nagashiro (Ash) , andHiroki Takahashi (Kukuri)!
To participate, simply follow the official SNK JAPAN Twitter(@SNKPofficial_jp ) and retweet the following campaign tweet!
This is the last campaign to commemorate SNK JAPAN's entry! The deadline is Wednesday, February 2, 2022, so retweet now!
アカウントをフォロー&このツイートをRTで、・エリザベート役:#伊藤静 さん
・アッシュ役:#長代聡之介 さん
・ククリ役:#高橋広樹 さんのサインが当たります!
キャンペーンは2/2(水)まで!#SNK #KOF #KOF15— SNK JAPAN (@SNKPofficial_jp) January 20, 2022
39 characters and 13 teams!

With the announcement of "Elisabeth Brantlouche," all 39 characters and 13 teams that will be available when KOF XV is released have been announced.
This will be the first title to feature all of the KOF protagonists, as well as popular characters who have supported the KOF series up until now, and new characters who are expected to be key to the new story.
Partly because it's a 3 vs. 3 team fight, but no fighting game title these days allows you to use as many as 39 characters at launch!
It will be a lot of fun just to try out the characters, so whether you are a fan of the series, a newcomer to KOF, or someone who has never played a fighting game before, let's jump into the first and biggest dream match of the year 2022!
But it won't be released for a while, so be sure to pre-order your copy and read the team story on the official website to get a preview of what to expect!
For more information and to make a reservation, please visit the official THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV website!
歴代主人公が集結。総勢39キャラクターが繰り広げるドリームマッチ開幕!>キャラクタートレーラー #SNK #KOF #KOF15
— SNK JAPAN (@SNKPofficial_jp) January 20, 2022