Goddess of Victory: NIKKE ", a gun-girl RPG game that charms with its back, was released on November 4, 2022 (Friday), and reached a total of 10 million downloads on November 14, 2022 (Monday), 10 days after its official release! In this issue, we will review the details of the commemorative bonus for reaching 10 million downloads, the campaign to celebrate the appearance of the new character "Helm," which has been available since November 10, 2022 (Thursday), and the introduction PV!
10 million downloads worldwide! Rewards will be distributed!

NIKKE" has been downloaded more than 10 million times worldwide in just 10 days since its official release !
To commemorate this milestone, "10 high-level recruiting tickets" will be distributed until 23:59 on November 23, 2022 (Wednesday)!
If you register after 23:59 on November 23, 2022 (Wed.), you will not be able to receive the tickets, so if you are just starting out, hurry up!
New character "Helm" PV and commemorative campaign!
On November 10, 2022 (Thursday), the first new character " Helm " was released.
The introduction PV of the character has also been released for your viewing pleasure.

To celebrate the release of the new character and the announcement of the character's voice actor, the official "NIKKE" Twitter account (@NIKKE_japan) is currently running a drawing campaign for an autograph card signed by Marina Inoue (@Mari_navi), who plays Helm.
The entry period is Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 23:59, so be sure to enter before you forget!
ヘルム役 #井上麻里奈 さんのサイン色紙を抽選で1名様にプレゼントします?たくさんのご参加をお待ちしております!
11月8日~11月15日23:59#NIKKE #ニケ #メガニケ pic.twitter.com/igzGAvqtQO— 【公式】勝利の女神:NIKKE@好評配信中 (@NIKKE_japan) November 8, 2022
The maximum number of simultaneous viewers exceeded 100,000!
On Sunday, November 6, 2022, at 7:00 p.m., a live broadcast commemorating the release of NIKKE will be held on YouTube, Twitter, Mirrativ, and several other live-streaming sites.
The two-and-a-half-hour live broadcast attracted a cumulative total of more than 100,000 simultaneous viewers and ended with a great success.
In the live broadcast, Miho Okazaki (@okasakimiho_PR) as Ennis, M.A.O. as Snow White, Satomi Sato (@satosatomi58) as Signal & M102, Mafia Kajita (@mafia_kajita) and Kokoro Shinozaki (@kokoro777pp ) have appeared on the show. Archived videos are still available, so be sure to check them out!