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Total prize,10 million yen or more! "SNK WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP"
Total prize, JPY10,000,000 or more! "SNK WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP"
SNK渾身の乙女ゲー「THE KING OF FIGHTERS for GIRLS」の事前登録がスタート!
Pre-register, SNK "THE KING OF FIGHTERS for GIRLS"starts!
真夏のピークが去ったのでPS4三昧!PS Storeで最大77%オフの「END OF SUMMER SALE」開催中!
Up to 77% off "END OF SUMMER SALE" on PS Store!
SNK Accounces their NEOGEO Arcade Stick Pro!
SNK Accounces their NEOGEO Arcade Stick Pro!
スマホアプリゲーム「聖闘士星矢 シャイニングソルジャーズ」オープンβテストがAndroid限定で実施決定!
Smartphone game "Saint Seiya Shining Soldiers"open β test!
"Monster Hunter World: Iceborn" PV 5th release!
バッテリー強化の新型Nintendo Switchの発売日が決定!
New Nintendo Switch, enhanced battery will be released!
Japanese Representatives to 11th eSports World Championship to be decided at TGS 2019
Japanese Representatives to 11th eSports World Championship to be decided at TGS 2019
スマホ版マリカー「マリオカート ツアー」の配信日が決定!
MarioKart Tour set to be Released September 25th
「ファイナルファンタジーVIII リマスタード」の配信日が決定!予約も開始!
FinalFantasyVIII Release Date Announced! Pre-Order Now!
Bauhutte(バウヒュッテ)とASUS ROGの最強タッグがTGS2019に共同出展決定!「デスク秘密基地化ブース」を体験せよ
Bauhutte&ROG's strongest tag team exhibit at TGS 2019!
人気バトルロワイヤルFPS「Apex Legends」に期間限定でソロモードが登場!
Solo mode appeared! Battle Royale FPS "Apex Legends"!
YOSHIKI BIRTHDAY SPECIAL" announces the holding of the e-sports tournament "YOSHIKI CUP"! Aiming for further dreams and development of the e-sports scene in Japan
YOSHIKI BIRTHDAY SPECIAL" announces the holding of the e-sports tournament "YOSHIKI CUP"! Aiming for further dreams and development of the e-sports scene in Japan
Gesipi Corporation Signs Comprehensive Collaboration Agreement with Kyushu Nutrition and Welfare University to Provide Metaverse Education Using eSports!
Gesipi Corporation Signs Comprehensive Collaboration Agreement with Kyushu Nutrition and Welfare University to Provide Metaverse Education Using eSports!
The latest version "SECRET GARDEN" is implemented in "Goddess of Victory: NIKKE"! New SSR NIKKE "Flora" is now available!
The latest version "SECRET GARDEN" is implemented in "Goddess of Victory: NIKKE"! New SSR NIKKE "Flora" is now available!
WebCM "Are you ready to step into the forbidden?" for the survival horror game "Survival Horror Game!
WebCM "Are you ready to step into the forbidden?" for the survival horror game "Survival Horror Game!
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