Konami Digital Entertainment's " Powerful Pro Baseball " (hereafter referred to as "Power Pro") has appeared in a variety of forms since the first game was released in 1994, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is the milestone of baseball games. The company has announced the release of the latest title in the Power Pro series, the first mobile baseball title in nine years. The mobile game "Powerful Pro Baseball: Crown Nine (tentative) " will be released!
Powerful Pro Baseball Eikon Nine (tentative)" was announced!

The latest mobile baseball title in nine years, "Powerful Pro Baseball: Crown Nine (tentative)" has been announced! This is the latest title that fans have been waiting for since the mobile game "Powerful Pro Baseball Live" was released in December 2014. The game will be distributed cross-platform, and will focus on one of Power Pro's most popular modes, "Eikan Nine," in which players take on the role of a high school baseball team manager and aim to win the national championship. Powerful Pro Baseball Eikan Nine (tentative)" will be free-to-play (with some items requiring a fee), and the mobile version is scheduled for release this summer. After the release of the mobile version, a home video game version is also planned.
The release is scheduled for this summer, and more details will be announced soon, so follow the official Pawapuro and Prospi Twitter (@pawapuro_pro) and wait for further announcements! For more information on the announcement, please check the official Konami website.
『パワフルプロ野球 栄冠ナイン(仮)』
\「パワフルプロ野球」シリーズの人気モード#栄冠ナイン が初めてクロスプラットフォームで配信!
続報を楽しみにしててほしいでやんす~!— パワプロ・プロスピ公式 (@pawapuro_pro) May 10, 2023