The PlayStationShowcase, held on Thursday, May 25, 2023, was filled with a lot of big news. From the latest news to the latest announcements, there was a lot to look forward to, including upcoming PS5 and PS4 titles, PS VR2 titles, and a new device called "Project Q". PS VR2, and the new " Project Q " device. There are archives of the presentations on the official YouTube channel and PlayStation.Blog, so if you haven't had a chance to check them out yet, be sure to check them out as well! It is human nature to rush to new titles when they are announced or released, but it would be a shame to put off playing titles that you are currently playing or have been meaning to play. Many of the new titles have some time left before they are released, so there must be many people who want to play the titles they have been wanting to play at this point in time. For those of you who are looking for a great deal, PlayStation's "Days of Play" sale is coming this year as well!
PS Plus subscription and downloadable games are at a discount!

"Days of Play 2023 " will be held on Friday, June 2, 2023 0:01 - Monday, June 12, 2023 23:59 The "Days of Play 2023" will be held from Friday, June 2, 2023 at 0:01 to Monday, June 12, 2023 at 23:59! As in previous years, the sale will be held on PlayStation Plus and PlayStation Store, with discounts for new PlayStation Plus subscriptions, extensions of existing subscriptions, and upgrades to higher plans! PlayStation Store will also be offering special deals on a variety of downloadable game titles and DLC. There is a very good chance that the title you've been wanting to play will be on sale, so this is a great opportunity to purchase several titles at once. Also, during this period, PlayStation retailers nationwide will also be offering sales on some products, so don't miss out on this opportunity either! Details will be announced on the official "Days of Play" websiteafter June 2, 2023 (Friday), so make sure you have the funds to purchase and wait for the announcement! Please note that before June 2 (Fri.), the official website will be last year's content. Please check PlayStation.Blog for current information!