"Nintendo Direct mini 2020.03.26" was broadcast on March 26, 2020 at 23:00.
During the broadcast, it was announced that the sixth additional fighter for "Super Smash Bros. Special" would be from "ARMS".
Five fighters have already appeared in "Super Smash Bros. SPECIAL" as part of the "Fighter Pass", which is paid content.
However, with the release of "Fighter Pass Vol. 2", six more new fighters are set to appear, and the momentum continues unabated.

New Fighter with Extendable Ude Appears in "ARMS"!

The sixth new fighter to join the "ARMS" series has a unique feature that allows it to extend its udes, making it a unique fighter in Smash Bros.

Director Masahiro Sakurai said on Twitter, "It's a very difficult task to keep the rules and balance of Super Smash Bros. while still keeping the 'ARMS' feel." he said.
制作依頼は受けたものの、『ARMS』らしさをしっかり出しながら大乱闘のルール、バランスにまとめるのはかなり難しい課題ですね。いままでに無い戦法を持つファイターを目指します。 https://t.co/bXyIPrDn20— 桜井 政博 / Masahiro Sakurai (@Sora_Sakurai) March 26, 2020
The distribution date was announced as June, but they are taking their time to produce the game due to the difficult time of year and various difficulties around the world.
いろいろな困難があり、お待たせしておりますが、あしからず…。— 桜井 政博 / Masahiro Sakurai (@Sora_Sakurai) March 26, 2020
Finally, the "Fighter Pass Vol. 2" has revealed information on the first new fighter.
The Nintendo Direct did not announce which character from "ARMS" will be joining the game, so stay tuned for more information.