The rainy season has apparently ended in the Kanto region, and as soon as it does, the heat is suddenly intense. Of course, when going outside, but even indoors, use the air conditioner to adjust the room temperature. Be sure to drink water as soon as possible. Perhaps reflecting the desire to spend the day comfortably in such heat, we are holding a " What would you like to rent out for a day? Summer Nights, a special "Splatoon 3" festival held under the theme of " Palace vs. Amusement Park vs. Beach," was won by the beach group! The Palace group was the top in the number of "hora-guy" votes at the Yobi Festival, and the Amusement Park group was the top in the midterm results and voting rate, but it was great to see them come out on top in the battle! This is the best part of the festival! The "Summer Nights" festival was a great success, and although it has just ended, information about the next festival, the 18th, has already been released! For those of you who have been enjoying the series from the beginning, this is a topic that will make your hearts flutter!
「Summer Nights」の対決「1日貸し切るなら? 宮殿 vs 遊園地 vs ビーチ」の結果は、150対310対410で「ビーチ」チームの勝利に終わった。
参加された方は、スーパーサザエを忘れずにお受け取りいただきたい。#スプラトゥーン3— Splatoon(スプラトゥーン) (@SplatoonJP) July 15, 2024
The 18th festival will be called "What would you like to eat? "

The 18th Splatoon 3 festival will be held from Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 9:00am to Monday, August 12, 2024 at 9:00 am! And the question that is interesting to us is " What would you like to eat to fill up your stomach? Bread vs. rice vs. pasta The question is: "Bread vs. rice vs. pasta! The summer in Japan is getting hotter and hotter than in the past, so it is important to eat well in order to survive the summer! Have you always been a bread person? Bread or rice? In recent years, pasta has become a staple of the Japanese diet, so it's a three-way battle of staple foods that Japanese people love. And for those of you who have been playing the "Splatoon" series for many years, I'm sure this topic will ring a bell. That's right! The memorable first "Splatoon" festival, " Which do you prefer for breakfast? This question is reminiscent of the memorable first "Splatoon" festival " Rice vs Bread ", isn't it! Which do you prefer for breakfast? In the "Rice vs. bread" contest, the rice group was victorious, but this time there is no restriction on breakfast, and a new force, pasta, has entered the competition! Of course, be careful not to overeat, but before the Yobi Festival begins, you should make up your mind on what will fill your stomach and make you happy! By the way, the first "Splatoon" official website held a "Which do you prefer for breakfast? You can also check out the history of the "Rice vs. Bread" festival held on the official website of the original "Splatoon" if you like!
お題は「おなかいっぱい食べるなら? パン vs ごはん vs パスタ」。
どう食べるかはお好みで。ただし、食べすぎには要注意だ。— Splatoon(スプラトゥーン) (@SplatoonJP) July 17, 2024