Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, the Dragon Ball action game released in 2016, is now available with paid DLC and the 18th free update! The game is also now available on PlayStation 5, Steam, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.
"Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" will receive paid DLC!
Namco Bandai Entertainment's Dragon Ball action game "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" will release the paid DLC "Future Saga Chapter 1" on Thursday, May 23, 2024! New extra missions, parallel quests, costumes, accessories, and more will be available.

In addition...
- Broly (suppressed)
- Gokuu Black (Super Saiyan Rose), Super Saiyan
- Vegeta (Super Saiyan God) - Super Saiyan God
- Beedel (DB Super)
- Android 18 (DB Super)
will participate as playable characters.
Free update #18 is also available now!

The 18th free update for "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" is now available. The update includes numerous raid boss battles, level cap release events, and costumes and accessories that can be obtained as limited-time login bonuses.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" will continue to evolve with more free updates to come!
Also available on PS5, Xbox and Steam!
DLC『FUTURE SAGA Chapter 1』5月23日配信!発表済のプレイアブルキャラクター4体に加え、
さあ出番だ、タイムパトローラー。#DBXV2 pic.twitter.com/Scamjd7B7i
— 「ドラゴンボール」家庭用ゲーム公式 (@dbgame_official) May 22, 2024
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" has been released on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, and now, more than 7 years after its first release, the long-awaited PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Steam versions have arrived! The long-awaited PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Steam versions are now available!
The PlayStation 5 and Steam versions will be released on Thursday, May 23, 2024, while the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S versions will be released on Friday, May 24, 2024, bringing the world of Dragon Ball to all platforms.
The game has been optimized for the latest hardware and includes load reduction and adjustments in graphical expression, making it worth purchasing again even if you have been playing the game in the past. PlayStation 4 owners will be able to upgrade to the PlayStation 5 version and transfer saved data to the PlayStation 5 version. For more information, please visit the official Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 website.