This zone is fruit mix system!? I drank "ZONe Trance Ver.1.0.0"!

This zone is fruit mix system!? I drank "ZONe Trance Ver.1.0.0"!

The rainy season has finally arrived in the Kanto region, bringing with it the dreary weather.
With humidity and temperatures rising, you may be craving something carbonated and refreshing to drink.
In such a case, let's drink an energy drink and feel refreshed!
The energy drink introduced here is ZONe Trance Ver. 1.0.0, released by Suntory ZONe on June 15!
What does it taste like?
Let's take a look at the review!

Notice the colorful and different packaging!

ZONe Trance
ZONe Trance Ver. 1.0.0

Saiga NAK

The new ZONe packaging is yellow, green, and fluorescent colors, and the ZONe logo is covered with a triangle-like shape, which is different from the usual design!

ZONe Trance
QR Code
Saiga NAK

The QR code is printed with images of DJs and people dancing!
The colors of the packaging and the design of the people surrounding the QR code give it a pop impression.

bar code
Saiga NAK

The barcode, like the QR code, shows people enjoying music in a friendly atmosphere!
The name of ZONe this time is Trance. Is it derived from the dance music Trance?

ingredient list
Saiga NAK

Let's take a look at the ingredients!
Per 500ml bottle...

  • Energy 276kcal
  • Protein 0.5g
  • Fat 0g
  • Carbohydrates 68.5g
       -Sugars 66.0g
  • Salt equivalent 0g
  • Vitamin B6 5.0mg
  • Niacin 50mg
  • Arginine 500mg
  • Palatinose 5.0g
  • Glucose 10.0-40.0g
  • Caffeine 75mg

The ingredients have the same amount of caffeine as Utopia and DEEPDIVE, with the only difference being the energy and carbohydrate content.
The caffeine content is only 15 mg per 100 mg, which is not that high, so even those who are concerned about caffeine can drink a bottle.
And ZONe Trance contains 10% orange juice.

Let's drink it now!

energy drink time!
Saiga NAK

Now that we have talked about the appearance and ingredients, what about the taste?

Gulp it down!
Saiga NAK

Oh, the color is yellow! It matches the color of the package!
And it has a fruity aroma with a hint of mixed fruits!

Yellow color that matches well with the package
Saiga NAK

The first sip tastes like pineapple, but the aftertaste is of orange.
Is it a tropical fruit flavor?
It's a refreshing taste, and I feel it's the perfect energy drink for the coming season!

ZONe Trance is now on sale!

Now on sale!
Saiga NAK

ZONe Trance Ver. 1.0.0 has been on sale at convenience stores nationwide and mail order sites such as Amazon since Tuesday, June 15!
It will be the perfect energy drink for the upcoming hot season!
We hope you'll pick one up and try it!

ZONe Trance Ver. 1.0.0

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