There are plenty of energy drinks available, such as Red Bull and Monster. It's almost impossible not to see them at convenience stores or vending machines. I, too, am an avid fan of energy drinks. However, there is one thing that even a "fan" like me is dissatisfied with.
And that is... they're expensive! Common drinks like cola, sports drinks, and coffee usually cost around 130 yen in vending machines, and about \100 JPY (*$ 0,93 USD)in convenience stores.
Every now and then, when a new drink is priced at \170 JPY (*$1,58 USD), I find myself reaching for it out of sheer curiosity, wondering what it might offer at that price.
But how about energy drinks? Most of them are over \200 JPY (*$1,8 USD), and some long cans go up to \300 JPY (*$2,8 USD). Although \200 JPY may not seem like much, if you buy one every day for a year, that's \73,000 JPY (*$680,4 USD). If it were \100 JPY, you could save \36,500 JPY (*$340 USD).
Well, that’s just a hypothetical situation...
Just when I was ready to give up, Saiga NAK's Energy Drink Procurement Department found a new energy drink!
"Survivor Energy Drink" helps you survive your budget!

This time, I'm reviewing the "Survivor Energy Drink" by Tomihiro Trading. What stands out is its affordability. 30 cans for \3,000 JPY (*$2,8 USD), which means \100 JPY per can! There's also a 6-pack set for \600 JPY (*$5,6 USD)!
For someone like me, whose energy drink habit has been straining my wallet, this product is a real lifesaver.
But what matters most is the taste. Let's give it a try.
Even though it's cheap, it's still a solid energy drink!

As soon as you open it, the typical energy drink aroma wafts up to your nose. It's not as sweet as Monster, and has a Red Bull-like vibe.
Like a wine tasting, I swirled the can around to enjoy the aroma. This is what energy drinks are all about.
Speaking of which, even gummies with energy drink flavors are increasing in number, but they often fall short in terms of aroma, if not taste.
If I ever find a gummy that satisfies my energy drink craving, I’ll definitely share it on Saiga NAK.

In the overflowing world of energy drinks, you can't survive on price alone. After enjoying the aroma, it's time to taste. I took a sip, and the first thing that hit me was the strong carbonation with a punch, reminiscent of Red Bull.
Next came the distinctive chemical flavor, similar to Red Bull, as the carbonation started to subside. The Red Bull-like aftertaste is also quite pleasing.

"...Isn't this just Red Bull...?"
It might just be the best value for money
By now, many of you might be thinking, "It's basically just Red Bull!"
However, there's one significant difference from Red Bull. Surprisingly, Survivor Energy Drink contains more caffeine per 100ml!
Caffeine Content Comparison | |
Red Bull (185ml) | 43.2mg |
Red Bull (250ml) | 32mg |
Monster | 40mg |
Survivor | 48mg |
Even though it's cheaper, it doesn't mean the caffeine is diluted. On the contrary, it's actually more concentrated, making it a very customer-friendly choice.
With this, you can drink it every day without breaking the bank. I'm seriously considering switching to Survivor from now on!
That's it for the Survivor Energy Drink review! It's the perfect energy drink for those looking for the best value for their money. Give it a try!