Tokyo Game Show 2022 ( TGS 2022) was held from Thursday, September 15, 2022 to Sunday, September 18, 2022.
We at Saiga NAK covered all four days of the show, but not enough to visit all the booths, probably due to the heat of the show after two years.
So, it's inevitable that we would prioritize visiting the booths of our favorite game titles and devices that we are familiar with, isn't it?
This time, we will introduce you to the booth of I-O DATA Corporation, a precision equipment manufacturer headquartered in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture!
TGS2022 I-O DATA booth!
— アイ・オー・データ機器(公式) (@io_data) September 15, 2022
Here we are at the I-O DATA booth!
I am from Ishikawa Prefecture, the same prefecture as I-O DATA.
I used a capture board at a gaming event I went to the other day, and all of my memories from the four days of TGS2022 are housed in a NAS.
Such aloha people around the I-O DATA booth, which I felt sympathy for on my own... I had to take a peek!

First up was the recording and distribution experience corner.
Here, Dustelbox (@DustelBox), a member of the professional gaming streamer group Fathers Back (@FathersBack_ ), recreated his distribution environment!
The " GV-USB3/HDS " 4K HDMI capture device is a USB connection type product capable of recording at up to 4K30p/2K120p.
Its small size and light weight make it easy to carry around for coverage.

Next is the audio mixer and SSD experience corner.
A decade ago, even game distributors did not own an audio mixer, but in recent years, many products for gamers have gone on sale.
The "AD-BTMIX/HN" is an audio mixer that supports Bluetooth connectivity for easy use.
The AD-BTMIX/HN is compatible with gaming consoles with earphone jacks, such as the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 5 (DualSense).
I personally like the cartoon guide on the AD-BTMIX/HN product page.

Saiga NAK
Creative's HS-SBLZV2 gaming headset and SB-GC gaming USB DAC amplifier were also on display.
The HS-SBLZV2 is a very inexpensive and cost-effective gaming headset.
Its calm design makes it ideal for online meetings and teleworking.

The most crowded area in the I-O DATA booth was the gaming monitor test corner.
Here you can experience the new 360Hz gaming monitors!
The refresh rate of a gaming monitor is one of the most important product values for gamers who fight in a world of fractions of a second.
Gaming monitors have been developed from 60Hz, 75Hz, 120Hz, 144Hz, and 240Hz, and now the era has finally reached the world of 360Hz.
What kind of experience will the gaming monitors to be released by GigaCrysta in the winter of 2022 bring?
How powerful will it be!

...Too popular to experience!
There was a huge crowd at the I-O DATA booth, eager to experience the 360Hz, the pinnacle of human achievement.
Unfortunately, we were unable to experience the new gaming monitors during the time we had to cover the event.
But Saiga NAK is not giving up!
Until the day we review a 360Hz monitor... we will continue to follow the latest news!