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"Fortnite" Removed from AppStore & GooglePlay! EpicGames protests!


"Fortnite" is the most popular battle royale game in the world.
The other day, Japanese musician Genshi Yonezu performed in the game, which became a big topic of conversation.
"Fortnite" can be played on all platforms, and one of its charms is that cross-play is possible.
However, Fortnite has suddenly been removed from the iOS App Store and Android Google Play!
What on earth does this mean?

Kenshi Yonezu's "Fortnite"! Holding At Once Around the World!

Is it because of the direct purchase system of in-game currency?

Normally, in-game purchases for iOS and Android apps are made through the App Store and Google Play, but Epic Games has announced "EPIC Direct Payments", which allows users to pay directly to Epic Games.
In addition, the "Fortnite Mega Price Drop", which allows players to purchase Fortnite in-game currency "V-Bucks" at up to 20% off, will begin on August 13, 2020.

The "Fortnite Mega Price Drop" allows users to receive a 20% discount on both iOS and Android versions of the game by using EPIC Direct Payments.
When paying through the App Store or Google Play, Epic Games charges a 30% fee. This is supposed to be a workaround, but this was a problem.
The terms and conditions of the App Store and Google Play each state, in a nutshell, that in-game purchases must be made through the App Store and Google Play.
In other words, "EPIC Direct Payments" is a violation of the terms and conditions.
This is why Fortnite has been removed from the App Store and Google Play.

Epic Games protested

Epic Games is protesting the removal of the Fortnite app.
They have released a video parodying the commercial that Apple aired when it launched the Macintosh.

The original Apple commercial was based on the novel "1984" and featured the message "You see how 1984 isn't like 1984? The video released by Epic Games shows "Join the fight to keep 2020 from becoming '1984'.
The video and the message are both parodies of the year, which is a strong statement of protest.
Epic Games also asks that you join the fight by using the hashtag "#FreeFortnite" and visiting fn.gg/freefortnite.
Will we ever be able to play Fortnite on iOS and Android again? We will keep our eyes on the future.

  • PS Store
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  • Epic Games
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  • AppgGllery
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