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The long-awaited Dragon Buster! Add titles to "au Smart Pass Premium Classic Game"!

待望のドラゴンバスターが!「auスマートパスプレミアム クラシックゲーム」にタイトル追加!

au Smart Pass Premium Classic Games," a benefit for " au Smart Pass Premium " subscribers, allows you to easily play nostalgic retro games on your smartphone.
The number of titles and genres are quite substantial for an all-you-can-play service of this type, with a steady increase in the number of titles available each month.
On October 27, two challenging titles, "Shanghai II" and "Fist of the Flying Dragon: Book of Secrets," were added, and on November 10, only two weeks later, more games were added!

今月は2タイトル!「auスマートパスプレミアム クラシックゲーム」にタイトル追加!

Three new titles have been added!

Three new titles have been added to the "au Smart Pass Premium Classic Games" as of November 10, 2020 (Tuesday )!
The titles that I have been eagerly awaiting since the start of the service are finally here!

Dragon Buster

Dragon Buster
auスマートパスプレミアム クラシックゲーム

Choujin Ultra Baseball

Choujin Ultra Baseball
auスマートパスプレミアム クラシックゲーム

Fist of the Dragon II: Wings of the Dragon

飛龍の拳II ドラゴンの翼
Fist of the Dragon II: Wings of the Dragon
auスマートパスプレミアム クラシックゲーム

Dragon Bus ter", a title that I remember playing as a child, has finally been added!
I can still vividly recall the golden cassette of the game that I used to play so much...
But I was too young at the time to finish the whole game. I think I could complete it now!

There are many other classic games to play this month as well, including "Dragon's Wings II," the sequel to "Dragon's Wings," which was added to the October issue of "Dragon's Fist: The Book of Secrets.

This winter, you'll be playing all the classic games you can get your hands on!

With the addition of these three titles, there are now a total of 34 titles available.
The long-awaited Dragon Buster alone will keep me playing for at least a month, but there are also many other titles with plenty of volume to keep me busy with the "au Smart Pass Premium Classic Games.
Many people are planning to spend their year-end and New Year's holidays at home instead of going out, so why not take this opportunity to subscribe to this service to make the most of your time at home?
For details and system requirements, please check the official "au Smart Pass Premium Classic Games" website.

au Smart Pass Premium Classic Games" is a benefit for "au Smart Pass Premium" subscribers.
Not only is it an unlimited video viewing, unlimited music listening, unlimited book reading, and live concert advance reservations, but it is also an unbeatable service that allows you to save even more on au PAY purchases for only 499 yen per month, and it can also be used on other carriers such as docomo and SoftBank! And it's free for 30 days, so you can take advantage of this opportunity.
And since it's free for 30 days, why not take this opportunity to subscribe?
To apply, please visit the official "au Smart Pass" website!


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese. at the moment.

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5 titles added to "au Smart Pass Premium Classic Game" that can be played by non...

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