DetonatioN FocusMe (DFM), a professional e-sports team operated by DetonatioN, a subsidiary of GameWith, Inc. The team will be sponsored by SAMURAI ENERGY, a domestic no-calorie energy drink marketed by Japan Energy Corporation.
DFM and SAMURAI ENERGY have signed a sponsorship agreement!

The professional e-sports team "DFM" and the energy drink "SAMURAI ENERGY" announced the signing of a sponsorship agreement. SAMURAI ENERGY" is a calorie-free energy drink produced in Japan, which was created in 2022 and has attracted a lot of attention due to its collaboration with "Sword Art Online". Energize Japan! Restore vitality! This domestic energy drink from Japan Energy Corporation, established with the catchphrase "Energize Japan!" is a triple-zero energy drink with zero sugar, zero fat, and zero calories. The flavor is tailored to Japanese tastes, containing 160 mg of caffeine and 300 mg of arginine.
DFM, on the other hand, is one of the top professional e-sports teams in Japan, with numerous divisions active in MOBA, FPS, TPS, TCG, fighting games, competitive action, soccer games, and more. Among them, the League of Legends division is the first in Japan to achieve the best 16th place in a world championship.
DFM commented on the sponsorship agreement, saying that energy drinks are an important support item that will lead to increased performance in the competition scene. SAMURAI ENERGY" is a sponsor of "DFM" and hopes to support the "one step closer " to the next level. The energy drink will give gamers the power to go the extra mile, and we look forward to DFM's future activities. For more information on the sponsorship agreement between "DFM" and "SAMURAI ENERGY," please visit the official DFM website. For more information on the "SAMURAI ENERGY" energy drink, please visit the official SAMURAI ENERGY website.
Comment from Mr. Nobuyuki Umezaki, President of DetonatioN Inc.
We are very pleased to conclude a sponsorship agreement with Japan Energy, which sells the energy drink "SAMURAI ENERGY". We believe that energy drinks are an important support item in the competitive scene, and we believe that they will help improve the quality of our training and performance in competitions. We look forward to working with Japan Energy to achieve even better results at competitions, and we ask for your continued support of "DetonatioN FocusMe".
Comment from Eiichiro Ishida, Japan Energy Corporation
We are delighted to be a sponsor of "DetonatioN FocusMe" operated by DetonatioN Inc. We hope that we can help "DetonatioN FocusMe", which always aims to win on the world stage, to achieve its goal of "just a little bit more...". As a sponsor of "DetonatioN FocusMe", we would be more than happy if we could support "Just a little more..." together with our supporters and make a leap forward to the world together.
DetonatioN FocusMeは、国産ノンカロリーエナジードリンク「SAMURAI ENERGY」とのスポンサー協賛契約の締結を発表いたします。
私たちは「SAMURAI ENERGY」がもたらすエナジーをフル活用し、競技活動に邁進してまいります。
— DetonatioN FocusMe (@team_detonation) August 18, 2023