DOAXVV's "DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation" is currently holding a limited time "Nostalgic Codes Gacha (Fiona, Elena)" which will end on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 at 03:59 pm.
開催中の「なつかしコーデガチャ」は、それより少し短くて、今日深夜 12/11 (水) 3:59 で終了です。
とってもカワイイ歌姫コーデ、『ピュア・コンチェルト(フィオナ)』と『ディア・コンチェルト(エレナ)』を、お見逃しなく♪ #ブイブイ— DOAX VenusVacation公式 (@doax_vv_staff) December 10, 2019
Your chance to get Pure Concerto!
In the "Natsukashi Codes Gacha", the percentage of SSR swimsuits "Pure Concerto (Fiona)" and "Dear Concerto (Elena)" will be offered at a higher rate.
The percentage is higher than that of the same rarity swimsuits in the Venus Gacha, so if you want to get Fiona and Elena's Diva's Codes, you should try to get them now that there is only a short time left.
The "SSR Swimsuit Fixed Ticket Gacha", "SR Swimsuit Fixed Ticket Gacha" and "Venus Gacha" are not included in the "SSR Swimsuit Fixed Ticket Gacha".
Get ready for the photo contest!

"DOAXVV" 3rd photo contest will be held, so don't miss this chance to prepare for the photo contest!