DOAXVVV, or "DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation" in the Dead or Alive series, features new "Fluttering Chaps" outfits for Tsukushi, Honoka, and Sayuri. The "DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation" has a new "Fluttering Chaps" outfit for Tsukushi, Honoka, and Sayuri.
The high score ranking event "Hajimete no Donketsu Fest" was also held.
期間は 3/3 (水) 23:59 まで♪#DOAXVV #ブイブイ— DOAX VenusVacation公式 (@doax_vv_staff) February 27, 2021
Promise to be released
The Trend Coordinate Gacha, in which "Buratsukieru Chaps" can be obtained, will be open until 23:59 on March 3, 2021 (Wednesday).
The following promo items will be available

What is the "Hajimete no Donkeyfest"?
Hajimete no Donkey Fes" is a high score ranking event where players compete for the "Donkey High Score" by challenging the "Donkey Game".
Hajimete no Donkeyuke Fes" will be held until 23:59 on March 3, 2021 (Wednesday).
New item "Top Coat" is now available!

In addition, the "Hajimete no Donkeyfest" has introduced a new limited-time item, "Top Coat," which can strengthen the appeal of the product.
By strengthening a girl's appeal with "Top Coat", you can advance in the DONKEI game.
For more information, check the official DOAXVV website!