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Fight of Animals introduces the new skin "AnimEvo T-Shirt"! What a free!

Fight of Animalsで新スキン「AnimEvo T-Shirt」が登場!なんと無料!

Fight of Animals " by Taiwanese developer Digital Crafter, now available on PC (Steam) and Nintendo Switch
The other day, we told you that we have started accepting entries for "AnimEVOnlile 2020".
With the entry deadline and the event date approaching, a new skin "AnimEvo T-Shirt" is now available for the Fight of Animals! The new skin, "AnimEvo T-Shirt," is now available for free!

EVOサイドトーナメント「AnimEVOnline 2020」でFight of Animalsの参加受付中!

Wear your AnimEvo-designed T-Shirt!

AnimEvo T-Shirt
AnimEvo T-Shirt
Fight of Animals公式Twitter

After the update scheduled for August 6, 2020 (UTC), the new skin "AnimEvo T-Shirt" will be distributed for free!
The skin is a blue T-shirt with the "AnimEvo" logo on it, and it will look great with the animals' cute looks.
If you are going to participate in AnimEVOnlile 2020, this is the skin you should wear!
AnimEVOnlile 2020's Fight of Animals competition "Asia/Japan" will be held on August 14, 2020 (CST)! The deadline for entry is August 10, 2020 at 14:59 CST!
There is less than a week left until the deadline, so go to smash.gg Fight of Animals (Asia/Japan) and enter now!
Enter now at smash.gg Fight of Animals (Asia/Japan) for a chance to win a medal prepared by Digital Crafter!


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

21958Fight of Animalsで新スキン「AnimEvo T-Shirt」が登場!なんと無料!
Fight of Animals
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Fight of Animals-Solo Edition-
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