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Mildom's representative will be competing for a seat in the Yoshimoto Kogyo-sponsored "GAME STREAMERS AWARDS 2022-2023" starting on Monday, February 14!

吉本興業主催「GAME STREAMERS AWARDS 2022-2023」の招待席をかけたMildomの争奪戦イベントが2月14日より開催!

Mildom, a live-streaming service operated by DouYu Japan, Inc., has announced that it will host an event with a prize of a seat for a Mildom representative at the GAME STREAMERS AWARDS 2022-2023, a festival for game streamers organized by Yoshimoto Kogyo Co. GAME STREAMERS AWARDS 2022-2023", a festival for game distributors organized by GAME STREAMERS. The "GAME STREAMERS AWARDS 2022-2023 Mildom Representative Seat Contest" will begin at 0:00 on Tuesday, February 14, 2023!

GAME STREAMERS AWARDS 2022-2023 Mildom Representative Seat Contest" is now open!

<img src="https://i0.wp.com/uploads.saigacdn.com/2023/02/mildom-game-streamers-awards-feb2023-01.jpg" alt="GAME STREAMERS AWARDS 2022- 2023 Mildom Representative Seat Contest loading="lazy"><figcaption>GAME STREAMERS AWARDS 2022-2023 Mildom Representative Seat Contest</figcaption><cite translate="no"><a href=" https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000211.000055920.html" rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">PR TIMES</a></cite></ figure> <p>Mildom has announced the "GAME STREAMERS AWARDS 2022-2023 Mildom Representative Seat Contest" event for a seat at the <b>GAME STREAMERS AWARDS 2022-2023</b>! The prize for this event is an invitation to the GAME STREAMERS AWARDS 2022-2023, which will be held on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at the Tokyo Port City Takeshiba Port Hall as an award ceremony for game distributors active on various platforms. The event MC will be Atsuhiro Dian Tsuda (<a href="https://twitter.com/daiantsuda" rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">@daiantsuda</a>), a member of Yoshimoto Kogyo, and and model Satoko Miyata (<a href="https://twitter.com/miyatasatoko" rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">@miyatasatoko</a>). As a commentator, Robert's Hiroshi Yamamoto (<a href="https://twitter.com/yamamotoperoshi" rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">@ yamamotoperoshi</a>) and streamer yunocy (<a href="https://twitter.com/mizuyuno_" rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">@ mizuyuno_</a>), and last year's grand prize winner, Junichi Kato (<a href="https://twitter.com/unkochan1234567" rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank blank">@unkochan1234567</a>) will appear. </p> <figure><img src="https://i0.wp.com/uploads.saigacdn.com/2023/02/mildom-game-streamers-awards-feb2023-02.jpg" alt="GAME STREAMERS AWARDS 2022-2023 venue image" loading="lazy"><figcaption>GAME STREAMERS AWARDS 2022-2023 venue image</figcaption><cite translate="no"><a href="https://activity.mildom.com/activity_module/views/?series_id=3183&week=1&check_id=67f4fbb6d7d9bafbbc91dfdec9bd386f" rel="" noopener nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">Mildom official website</a></cite></figure> <h3>Prize list</h3> <h4>First and second place</h4> <ul> <li>Win an invited seat for Mildom representatives</li </li> </ul> <h4>3rd to 5th place</h4> <ul> <li>Get an invitation to represent Mildom</li> </ul> <p>All distributors are eligible to compete in this event, so everyone has a chance. However, please note that distributors participating in the following events will not be able to duplicate their participation, and will need to switch events in order to participate. </p> <ul> <li>Mildom Golf Girls Discovery Project</li> <li>Get your hands on virtual Mildom delivery goods! </li> <li>Original Gift GET Event</li> <li>PUBG mobile-Game Night starts on Valentine's Day! </li> <li>Kimono Girls Fes Final</li> <li>Miss Tiara 1st</li> </ul> <h3>From February 14th! </h3> <div translate="no">

</div> <p>GAME STREAMERS AWARDS This event, for an invited seat to 2022-2023, is being held starting Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 0:00! The application period for the event is from <b>Friday, February 10, 2023, 0:00 to Sunday, February 19, 2023, 23:59</b>. The event will be held from <b>February 14, 2023 (Tuesday) 0:00 to February 19, 2023 (Sunday) 23:59</b>. If you are participating in the event, make sure you do not forget to submit your entry. For more information and notes on the "GAME STREAMERS AWARDS 2022-2023 Mildom Representative Invitational Seating Contest," please visit <a href="https://activity.mildom.com/activity_module/views/? series_id=3183&week=1&check_id=67f4fbb6d7d9bafbbc91dfdec9bd386f" rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">Official Mildom website</a> or official Twitter (<a href="https://twitter.com/Mildom_Official" rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">@Mildom_Official</a>) Please check the following. </p> </section>


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