GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- ", the latest title in the "GUILTY GEAR" series, is scheduled to be released on April 9, 2021 (Friday) on PS4, PS5 and Steam.
The open beta test held in February 2021 was a great success, and during the open beta test, the last of the initial characters, "Ino", was announced.
The release of the game is just a little over a month away. Just as we were thinking that all we could do was quietly wait, the announcement came that the release of "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-" would be postponed.
「GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-」の発売の再延期が決定。オンラインロビー改善やサーバの安定性向上のため。
The release has been postponed for about 2 months.

"GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-" has been postponed from April 9, 2021 (Friday) to June 11, 2021 (Friday).
The postponement is in response to feedback from players during the open beta test held in February, and is intended to make the game more comfortable to play, with a focus on improving the online lobby and server stability.
When the game was originally scheduled for release in 2020 but postponed to spring 2021, it was also to reflect the feedback from players in the closed beta test, and I think Arc is a company that is really close to its players! That's wonderful!
The postponement is a little disappointing, but it will make the game even more enjoyable to play, and since we've postponed it so many times, two months is nothing to worry about!
Let's just wait and see what happens in June!
詳細は画像にてご確認ください。— GUILTY GEAR OFFICIAL (@GUILTYGEAR_PR) March 4, 2021