Organizations in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture pushing for spread of eSports

eSports, a recent trend that has been taking the world by storm, is even starting to be taken on by smaller Japanese cities.
Kanazawa City, aiming to use esports as source of business and regional revitalization, is eagerly inviting companies and events involved with esports into the city.
IO Data, major PC equipment maker with headquarters in Kanazawa city, has since joined an esports association, and is making their mark by producing and selling their own game equipment, entering even deeper into the esports realm.
By IO Data actively pursuing esports and the development of products involved with this recent trend, they create an environment for competition that will lure other companies into the city. Not only the companies, but the city of Kanazawa itself will be able to experience economic growth.
Neighboring Toyama prefecture also showing up to the party
Before the boom of esports started in Japan, resident gamers of Toyama prefecture started their own “Toyama Prefecture esports Association.”
Active for two years and one of the first esports associations in the country, the word “Toyama” stands out during competitions. As attention is mainly given to the capital of Tokyo, there’s a refreshing image that there are also pro gamers from outside the big city.
Hokuriku: a region specializing in IT and rising industry

Although being separated from the capital by mountains and distance, Ishikawa and Toyama prefectures were able to develop as places dependent on their local surroundings, but with companies like IO Data, Komatsu, and PFU in the region, the region is strong on the global stage.
American company CISCO also has a research facility in Ishikawa prefecture, lending even more to the image of a region that is fit for innovation.
The opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen in 2015 allowed the region to be closer than ever before to Tokyo. The region has never had a better chance to get its hands on global companies and show its prowess on the global stage.