In this day and age when it is possible to play games online with people from all over the world, the more people playing the same title, the more people you can play with, and the more fun it is.
Nowadays, it is common for a single title to be released on a variety of platforms, but this can cause a bottleneck because it may not be possible to play multiplayer between different platforms.
This can lead to a situation where the number of players on some platforms cannot be matched at all.
In order to overcome this situation, there are many titles nowadays that implement cross-platform play so that players can play together on different platforms, and one that has been announced for future implementation is Arc System Works' " GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-& GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-".
Currently, PS4 and PS5 can play together, but not with the Steam version.
Since the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S will be released in the spring of 2023, the cross-platform situation will become even more demanding, and a cross-platform network open beta test has been announced for Friday, October 14, 2022, at 10:00.
This time, the Open Beta test will be conducted using dedicated software, and the download of that dedicated software is now open!
ブリジットも使用可!無料で参加できる「GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-」のクロスプラットフォーム ネットワークオープンβテスト実施決定!
Download the software in advance and get ready!

"GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-" Cross Platform Network Open Beta Test will be conducted on PS4, PS5 and Steam, and you will need to download and place the exclusive software, which is different from the commercial version sold.
The PS4 andPS5 versions are available on PlayStation Store as " Cross-Platform Network Open Beta Test ", and on Steam as " Participate in GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Playtest ". The game is now available for download on both PlayStation Store and Steam.
Both PlayStation Store and Steam are free to download.
The Open Beta Test will be conducted with a dedicated software, so you cannot participate in the Open Beta Test with the full version of the game.
If you have the full version and want to participate in the Open Beta Test, you will need to download the dedicated software and participate in the Open Beta Test there.

Now, once you have downloaded the exclusive software, all you have to do is wait for the Open Beta Test to start at 10:00 on October 14, 2022 (Friday )!
GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-" is already very popular and has a large number of players, so if it becomes a cross-platform game, you will be matched up with rivals from all over the world in no time!
And as already announced, in this Open Beta Test
- Tutorial Mode
- Mission Mode
- Survival Mode
- Training Mode
- Online Match (Ranked Tower, Open Park, Player Match)
- Combo Maker
- Digital Figures
- Gallery
...and most of the modes are playable, except Story and Arcade !
And in addition to the 15 characters available at launch, you will also be able to use6 additional DLC characters that are currently available for a fee , for a total of 21 characters!
In addition to Goldilocks Dickinson, Jack O, Happy Cayos, Ume Kana, and Testament from Season 1, the first additional character for Season 2, "GUILTY GIRL", will be available in Season 3. In addition to "Dickinson", "Jack O", "Happy Cayo", "Umekyo", "Testament", and " Brigitte", the first character added in Season 2 and the one who triggered the "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-" player explosion, you can use them for free, where you normally have to purchase DLC!
If you are playing "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-" for the first time in this Open Beta test, this is a rare opportunity to touch and feel the additional characters, so don't miss out on this chance!
The cross-platform network open beta test will be conducted from October 14, 2022 (Fri) 10:00 - October 17, 2022 (Mon) 16:00, so be sure to play "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-" this weekend! Let's play "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-" all over again this weekend!
For more information about "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-", please visit the official website!
【 #GGST クロスプラットフォームβテスト】