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The latest information on "Marvel's Avengers" is released online at TGS2020! Two new heroes!

TGS2020オンラインで「Marvel's Avengers (アベンジャーズ)」の最新情報が公開!新ヒーローが2人登場!

At the "SQUARE ENIX PRESENTS at TGS 2020 Online" held on Sunday, September 27, 2020 at Tokyo Game Show 2020 (TGS 2020 Online), Square Enix revealed the latest information on "Marvel's Avengers ( Avengers" at "SQUARE ENIX PRESENTS at TGS 2020 Online".

What is "Marvel's Avengers (Avengers)"?

Marvel's AvengersMarvel's Avengers

"Marvel's Avengers" is a third-person action-adventure game that will allow players to experience various experiences through the original story of the Avengers, which was just released on September 4, 2020.

Enjoy new missions and new characters in Avengers Initiative.

Avengers Initiative is a free additional content that allows you to experience new heroes and new stories from around the world.

Marvel's AvengersSQUARE ENIX PRESENTS at TGS 2020 Online/cite>

The Avenger Initiative will be added to the main menu when you want to develop your favorite character or when you have finished a campaign.
You can play the game even when you have not finished the Campaign, but the Initiative storyline will be after the Campaign, so we recommend that you do the Campaign first to avoid spoilers, and then proceed to the Initiative.

Marvel's AvengersSQUARE ENIX PRESENTS at TGS 2020 Online/cite>

The mission selection is on the big table, from which you can select a mission and take on the challenge. When you complete a mission, you will receive a reward.

The large table is constantly being updated, and the missions and rewards change. Some missions change daily and some change weekly.
Missions can be both single-player and group play.

Two new heroes in the first round of additions!

Two new heroes, Kate Bishop and Hawk-Eye, have been announced as the first additions.

Kate Bishop


New villains, maps, etc. will also be added. Also, Spider-Man will be coming in the future!

We're expecting a lot of updates to Avengers Initiative!

Marvel's Avengers Marvel's Avengers

Avengers Initiative will be a free update and will be available after the update.
Also, if you have already purchased the PS4 and Xbox One versions, you can download it to your PS5 and Xbox Series X at no additional cost.

Check out the official site for more details and stay tuned for more to come!


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese. at the moment.

Marvel's Avengers -PS4
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