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Announced the opening of "esports Japan" in Tokyo

Announced the opening of

Game Production Corporation, a member of the SmartTech Group, announced the opening of " esports Japan", a facility for planning, operating, and managing e-sports tournaments and athletes.

Facilities at "esports Japan"

esports Japan
esports Japan
esports Japan

The facility is equipped with 20 gaming PCs, NURO fiber optic lines, a 260-inch oversized screen with a projector, gaming chairs and mice, and sound equipment that allows players to fully experience the realism of the games.

There is also a space for strategy meetings for each team, free space, and changing rooms.

From Game Production Co.

We are currently planning several esports tournaments in the summer and fall.
We are also training and managing players to form the strongest esports team in Japan, with the goal of becoming world champions.


Outline of esports Japan

esports Japan
esports Japan
esports Japan
Facility Name esports Japan
Address 4F Ogata Building, 3-17 Kandasakumacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Twitter https://twitter.com/esportsJP_AKB
URL http://www.smatec.jp/about/gameproduction.html
Management Company Game Production Co.

Since there is no mention of a telephone number for the facility, how to use it, or a fee plan, it is possible that the space is not for use by the general public, but rather for rental during tournaments and events.

It is unclear whether the facility is solely for in-house use for planning, operation, and management, or whether it will be open to the public, but those who are interested should check esports Japan's official Twitter page for further information.