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LCD monitors from studio partner manufacturer JAPANNEXT to be installed in Sofmap "eSports Studio AKIBA," opening April 9.

ソフマップ「eSports Studio AKIBA」にスタジオパートナーメーカーJAPANNEXTの液晶モニターが導入

Sofmap Corporation will open an eSports studio " eSports Studio AKIBA " on March 25, 2023 (Saturday). The facility can be used for eSports related events and as a distribution studio, with seating for players and spectators, a live commentary booth, and even a waiting room. JAPANNEXT Corporation has been appointed as a studio partner manufacturer to support the favorable environment of the "eSports Studio AKIBA"! Ltd. has been appointed as the studio partner manufacturer to support the excellent environment of "eSports Studio AKIBA." The company provides LCD monitors for the facility, including a 98-inch ultra-large 4K LCD monitor.


JAPANNEXT Corporation became a studio partner manufacturer of "eSports Studio AKIBA".

JAPANNEXT Corporation is well known for selling high-quality monitors at low prices. In particular, the company has recently developed a number of gaming monitors that offer high resolution, high frame rates, and low latency, and have often been featured on Saiga NAK.

"eSports Studio AKIBA"公式サイト

JAPANNEXT Corporation has announced that it will provide 4K LCD monitors as a studio partner manufacturer of "eSports Studio AKIBA". After the opening on March 25, 2023 (Saturday), the studio will be open to the public to support gamers watching eSports games.

A series of events and campaigns to commemorate the opening will also be held!

From March 25 (Sat) to April 2 (Sun), 2023, "eSports Studio AKIBA" will be open to the public, and dedicated studio staff will introduce the facilities and equipment. As a bonus, visitors will receive novelties from the studio's partner manufacturers, which are only available at this event. There is no other choice but to go!

In addition, a grand opening reception will be held on Sunday, April 9, 2023, inviting famous game players, streamers, and cosplayers! The event will be live-streamed on the " eSports Studio AKIBA " YouTube channel, so be sure to check it out! For more information, please check the official website of "eSports Studio AKIBA" and Twitter (@eSportsAKIBA ).


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