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Gaming brand "JOW" announces its first exhibit at TGS2023! The event will feature a "GAME Base" experience and appearances by DFM players!


Ltd., the gaming brand of World Kasei Co., Ltd. has announced that it will exhibit at the Tokyo Game Show 2023 (TGS2023) to be held from September 21 (Thu.) to 24 (Sun.), 2023. At the booth, visitors will be able to try out the "GAME BASE" and enjoy an event featuring @Itazan_Kuma and @john_takeuchi, members of DetonatioN FocusMe (DFM).


JOW will exhibit at TGS2023 for the first time! Experience the "GAME Base"!

JOW booth image

Gaming brand "JOW" has announced its first exhibit at TGS2023. The "GAME Base," which will be launched in December 2022, has become a hot topic due to its ability to cut sound leakage outside by approximately 30% and its supervision by the professional e-sports team "DFM.

At the booth, visitors will be able to experience the "GAME Base" and the "GAME Base-mini-," which is scheduled to be released in 2023, before the end of the year. If you have been considering installing a soundproofed gaming booth or have been thinking about sound and visual noise reduction, this is a great opportunity to experience a soundproofed gaming booth.


If you visit the JOW booth, follow the official JOW X (@JOW20221220 ) and repost the post, you will receive a JOW original bottle tissue and a folding mop on a first-come, first-served basis! In addition, a gaming device will be given away in a drawing at a later date, so don't miss it when you visit the JOW booth. JOW's booth is located at 02-C04, Gaming Lifestyle Corner. For more information about JOW, please visit their official website.

Players belonging to DFM will appear! You can play against them in SF6!

The "JOW x DFM GAME Base Experience Event in TGS2023" will be held at the World Kasei JOW booth on September 23 (Sat.) and 24 (Sun.), 2023, the public days of TGS2023. The event will feature DFM members Itabashi Zangief and Takeuchi John, as well as well-known e-sports caster Sasa-san (@SASA_tk74 ) as MC. At the event, participants will be able to play "Street Fighter 6" against DFM players! Three people from the audience will be able to challenge. You must be following JOW official X (@JOW20221220 ) to participate in the event!

Event Outline
Event Name JOW×DFM GAME Base Experience Event in TGS2023
Venue Makuhari Messe Exhibition Hall, Gaming Lifestyle Corner "02-C04" World Chemicals, JOW Booth
Date and Time September 23, 2023 (Sat) 13:00-14:00 September 24, 2023 (Sun) 13:00-14:00
Guests Saturday, September 23, 2023: John Takeuchi (DetonatioN FocusMe), Sasa (MC) Sunday, September 24, 2023: Zangief Itabashi (DetonatioN FocusMe), Sasa (MC)


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