In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the TV anime "SWORD ART ONLINE," Namco Bandai Entertainment Inc. announced that the new smartphone game app "SWORD ART ONLINE VARIANT SHOWDOWN" (SAOVS) will be released simultaneously worldwide in 2022. The teaser promotional movie will be released in conjunction with the announcement.
A teaser promotional movie has also been released to coincide with the announcement!
What is "Sword Art Online Valiant Showdown"?

SAOVS will be a free to download (some items charged) action game.
The platform can be played on iOS or Android.
The game system is still undisclosed, but a synopsis of the story has been released.
The story of "Sword Art Online Valiant Showdown
Have you ever heard of "Cross Edge"?
The name of the game had reached Kirito's ears.
Many players were paying attention to it, partly because of the buzz that a genius junior high school student had designed it.One day, while visiting Daisey Cafe, Kirito learned of a rumor about
《Cross Edge》.If he is defeated by an unknown player who suddenly appears, he will lose part of his memory.
He also learns that his opponent is said to be wearing a hooded figure. ......Kirito recalls the PK guild "Ruffin Coffin" that he once faced.
Kirito and his teammates begin to play "Cross Edge" to investigate, but they are ambushed by someone.
The latest information will be broadcast live on YouTube!
SAOVS will hold a live broadcast on YouTube's "SAO Game Official Channel Beta Eater's Cafe " on April 2, 2012, titled "Live SAOVS #1: Investigate the Latest Information on the App, VS Detective Boys! ~will be distributed on April 2 (Sat.) from 20:00 .
The live broadcast will feature Yuuki Iwai of Haraiichi and guest appearances by voice actors Ai Chino (Alice),Rina Hidaka (Silica), andKanae Ito (Yui ), who will present the latest information on SAOVS.
Pre-register now to get the gorgeous rewards!

Pre-registration has already begun for SAOVS.
And a campaign is underway in which everyone will receive a pre-registration reward.
The rewards will get more and more gorgeous depending on the number of pre-registrations, so be sure to pre-register now!
In addition, by following the official Twitter account of SAOVS and retweeting the SAO Anime 10th Anniversary App Release Campaign, 10 winners will be selected in a drawing to win a "10th Anniversary SAOVS Pub Mirror". The campaign is now underway.
The deadline for this campaign is April 2, 2022 (Sat.) at 23:59, so be sure to enter as soon as possible!
There are still many parts of the game, such as character information, that have yet to be disclosed, so be sure to check out the live broadcast s on the official YouTube channel, as well as the official SAOVS website and the official SAOVS Twitter account to see what's coming next!
?\#SAOアニメ10周年 記念アプリ配信決定キャンペーン/?#SAOVS 配信決定を記念して、オリジナルパブミラーを抽選で10名様にプレゼント?
1⃣@saovs_gameinfo をフォロー
— 【公式】SAO ヴァリアント・ショウダウン(SAOVS) (@saovs_gameinfo) March 27, 2022