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SPINGEAR x Mitsumi "Full Metal Bridget Yo-Yo" is now available for order!

細部まで再現!SPINGEAR × ミツミ製作所「フルメタル ブリジットヨーヨー」受注開始!

In 2022, there was a lot of news in the gaming industry, but the one that transcended the boundaries of the gaming industry and became a social phenomenon was " Brigitte " from " GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- ". A birthday party was held for "Brigitte," which is rare for a gaming character in recent years, and the event was very exciting with congratulatory comments from voice actress Mainaka Ishimi, who handles the Japanese voice, as well as the release of goods and collaborations. Since "Bridget"'s weapon, the " YOYO ", is very similar to the yo-yo in this world, the yo-yo store " SPINGEAR" released the "Bridget Yo-Yo" as an officially licensed product. At the time of the announcement, it was announced that they were trying to reproduce the "YOYO" of " Bridget ". The long-awaited " Full Metal Bridget Y o-Yo" has been officially announced! Now, orders are open for this product!


Miniature size reproduction that can actually be used!

The "Full Metal Bridget Yo-Yo" is a metal yo-yo made possible by the collaboration between SPINGEAR and Mitsumi Seisakusho. As you can see from the size of the yo-yo in the game, it would not be heavy enough to be used as a yo-yo if it were made in the size of the yo-yo actually used by "Bridget", and we also had to consider the danger of it being used as a weapon. The size of the yoyo is reproduced in miniature. The smaller size makes it more difficult to create detailed designs, but by teaming up with Mitsumi Seisakusho, which specializes in precision machining and is in charge of producing the "66% Series" of miniature yo-yos, we were able to recreate a yo-yo that looks as if it came out of a game. The result is a reproduction that looks as if it came right out of the game, but the company says it took a lot of hard work to get there.

"フルメタル ブリジットヨーヨー"製品ページ
フルメタル ブリジットヨーヨー レッド
Full Metal Bridget Yo-Yo Red
"フルメタル ブリジットヨーヨー"製品ページ

First of all, there are many colors. In the game, there are six multicolored materials embedded in each side, which would be difficult to reproduce with a single material. To reproduce the three colors of the bullets embedded in the black board, we achieved this by combining three types of high-precision metal parts machined on a lathe. Moreover, the brass and copper are solid, so their texture changes, and the iron is dyed black, a technique that gives it an uneven texture, giving it a fun look as it is used.

Made of 3 different metals
"フルメタル ブリジットヨーヨー"製品ページ
"フルメタル ブリジットヨーヨー"製品ページ

The details of the logo and other parts are quite fine. The logo and text written in the setting materials are printed on each of the tiny parts by laser engraving. The " YOYO-BULLET 250 28 ", which is difficult to see in the game, is engraved on all bullets. The " 28 MODEL R " logo on the side is also reproduced.

"フルメタル ブリジットヨーヨー"製品ページ

Because it was produced with this much care, the following items are also included.

  • Body left and right (aluminum, red): 2 parts
  • Cap left and right (aluminum, black): 2 parts
  • Cap retaining screw left/right (iron, black) : 2 parts
  • Phase Alignment Screw : 1 part (Screw to determine the position of the left and right body)
  • Bullet side: Brass, copper, iron : 3×6=18 parts
  • Bullet casing side: brass/iron : 2×6=12 parts
  • Bearing : 1 part
  • Shaft stainless steel : 1 part

The total number of parts is 39, which is an unbelievable number for a yo-yo.

<img src="https://i0.wp.com/uploads.saigacdn.com/2022/12/ggst-full-metal-bridget-yoyo-preorder-06.jpg" alt="39 total parts="lazy">< figcaption>39 total component points</figcaption><cite translate="no"><a href="https://spingear.jp/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=4260" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">"Full Metal Bridget Yo-Yo Product Page</a></cite></figure> <p>The yo-yo part is made of duralumin and the bullet part is a combination of several metals such as brass, iron and copper. The yo-yo is made of duralumin, and the bullets are made of brass, iron, copper, and other metals, giving it a <b>heavy finish</b> despite its miniature size. It is not possible to actually disassemble it as shown in the photo, but it is possible to yo-yo it and disassemble it to <b>replace bearings and perform maintenance</b>. </p> </section> <section> <h2>Orders are now being accepted, deadline January 15! </h2> <p>"Full Metal Bridget Yo-Yo" is <b>now open for orders! </b>The price is <b>44,000 yen (tax included)</b>. Orders will be taken until <b>January 15, 2023</b>, with the first phase to be delivered around April 2023 and the second phase in May 2023 or later. As of Wednesday, December 28, 2022, <b>the maximum number for the first phase will soon be reached</b>, so those who are about to apply should expect <b>delivery after May 2023</b>. The "Full Metal Bridget Yo-Yo" is available in two colors, "<b>Red</b>" to reproduce the original and "<b>Raw</b>" with no coloring, but there are also <b>finishing differences</b> besides color. </p> <figure><img src="https://i0.wp.com/uploads.saigacdn.com/2022/12/ggst-full-metal-bridget-yoyo-preorder-07.jpg" alt="Full Metal Bridget Yo-Yo Raw" loading="lazy"><figcaption>Full Metal Bridget Yo-Yo Raw</figcaption><cite translate="no"><a href="https://spingear.jp/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=4260" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">"Full Metal Bridget Yo-Yo Product Page</a></cite></figure> <p>Because the "Raw" has a <b>solid aluminum finish</b>, it will <b>weather</b> more than the anodized "Red". The "Red" finish is <b>may rust or tarnish</b> over time. The metal that has actually been used for a long time and has developed an atmosphere is also cool, so "Raw" is considered to be <b>fun to grow</b>. We would like to have both, but <b>the price is 44,000 yen (including tax)</b> per piece, so please consult your wallet and apply for an order! For details, specifications, and order application, please visit the official SPINGEAR website at <a href="https://spingear.jp/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=4260" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">"Full Metal Bridget Yo-Yo Product Page</a>! </p> <div><div translate="no">

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Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese. at the moment.

65391細部まで再現!SPINGEAR × ミツミ製作所「フルメタル ブリジットヨーヨー」受注開始!
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