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The 15th collaboration between HOLOLOLIVE and MOLLY.ONLINE! Newly-drawn goods by "Nene Momozu" and "Polka Omaru" are now available!


Starting Tuesday, December 19, 2023, at 18:00, the VTuber group "hololive" will collaborate with the online crane game " MOLLY.ONLINE " as the 15th collaboration project. ONLINE" will feature Nene Momozu andPolka Omaru,both members of the female VTuber group "quot;hololive", as prizes for the exclusive MOLLY.ONLINE prize game.

Newly-drawn goods by "Nene Momozu" and "Polka Omaru" will be available!

"桃鈴ねね""尾丸ポルカ"描き下ろしグッズPR TIMES

In this collaboration, 5th term students Momosuzunene (@momosuzunene ) and Polka Omarupolka (@omarupolka ) will appear, and a total of 18 types of goods will be available, including cushions, tapestries, acrylic stands, and acrylic blocks with newly-drawn illustrations of the two girls alone and in pairs. The illustration of the Lolita dress outfit is a Lolita dress! The illustration of the Lolita dress is by " Oyazuly" (@Oyazuly ), and the illustration of the matching outfit is newly drawn by "Oyo" (@ohyg3 ). There are also newly recorded voices by Nene Momozu and Polka Omaru exclusively for Maury Online!

Outline of prizes
Deployment Date Tuesday, December 19, 2023 from 18:00
Location Online crane game "MOLLY .ONLINE
Contents Cushion, tapestry, acrylic stand, and acrylic block: 18 items in total

Prizes for the collaboration prize game

hololive" collaboration cushion (total 3 types)

"hololive"コラボ クッションPR TIMES
  • 38 cm (length) X 40 cm (width) X 10 cm (thickness)
  • Made of polyester

hololive" collaboration tapestry (total 6 kinds)

"hololive"コラボ タペストリー
  • Vertical 70.7cm x width 50cm
  • Made of suede

hololive" collaboration acrylic stand (total 6 kinds)

"hololive"コラボ アクリルスタンド
  • Nene Momozuzu: approx. 13.4cm (Lolita dress outfit), approx. 13.2cm (bridge outfit)
  • Polka Omaru: approx. 14cm (Lolita Dress Costume), approx. 13.7cm (Tsunagifuku)
  • Group illustration ver.: approx. 12.7cm (Lolita dress costume), approx. 12.5cm (overalls)

hololive" collaboration acrylic block (total 3 kinds)

"hololive"コラボ アクリルブロックPR TIMES
  • Vertical 9cm x width 5cm x thickness 0.8cm

MOLLY.ONLINE exclusive newly-recorded voice

専用ボイス実装!PR TIMES

To commemorate the rollout of the collaboration prizes, a special program will start at the same time as the limited prizes rollout begins at 18:00 on December 19, 2023 (Tuesday)! Players will be able to listen to the newly recorded voices of "Nene Momozu" and "Polka Omaru" at the booths where the prizes are available for a limited time only. Listen to these exclusive voices and win prizes!

ONLINE collaboration prizes of "Nene Momozu" and "Polka Omaru" will be available from Tuesday, December 9, 2023 at 18:00! Please visit MOLLY.ONLINE for more details.


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

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