The year 2023 is also a year when the entertainment industry comes back to life, as restrictions on sports, music concerts, and various events are eased or even lifted. I personally think that the entertainment industry will be revitalized in 2023, especially in the area of music events. Personally, I was especially happy to see the return of the sing-along at music events, where people could feel the loud sound not only with their ears but also with their whole body, and the venue became one, and I attended various events when the opportunity arose. There are many people who think they can finally attend an event, and tickets to popular events are hotly contested, and it is a miracle to win a ticket even before you have a good seat. Although it is a " guessing game " to be happy just to be able to be in the same space with someone even if the seats are hard to see or far away, you can't miss your guesses' every move. However, nowadays, some events prohibit the use of binoculars because they are equipped with a recording function, and in a hall class, you may not be able to see the event from a distance. If that is the case, you can buff up your "eyes"!Noevir Group' s Tokiwa Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd. has announced a new energy drink, " GEKIMI SUGIMI Energy Drink "!
GEKIMI "Drink Suishikatsu" with Blueberry Extract!

GEKIMI "GEKIMI" is a new energy drink from "LIVE master", a new brand of Tokiwa Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd. of the Noevir Group. Tokiwa is well-known for its "Nanten throat lozenges" and "Memei Uchiwa" series, so it can be said that its effectiveness is well-known.
Now, since it is a new energy drink, the ingredients of "GEKIMI Pushy Activity Energy Drink" are different from those of the previous energy drinks. It contains blueberry extract (equivalent to about 100 bilberries), which is said to be good for the eyes, and has a spicy and blueberry flavor. It is caffeine-free and non-carbonated, and the 50ml shot size allows you to drink it in a short time just before the start of the event. Some venues and events may strictly prohibit eating and drinking, so be sure to follow the rules and manners before drinking!
In addition, it also contains citric acid and vitamins B1, B2, and B6 so that you can enjoy yourself to the fullest even at long events, and although it is caffeine-free, it is a good source of energy. GEKIMI Gekkatsu Energy Drink" is specially designed to "see your guesses" based on many people's requests, such as "I want to see my guesses at concerts" and "I want to enjoy myself no matter where I am seated. GEKIMI "GEKIMI SUGIMISHIKATSU ENERGY DRINK" is specially formulated to support your "eyes" during concerts, plays, events, children's school events, and of course, games that make heavy use of your eyes!
GEKIMI SUGIMI Energy Drink will go on sale on Monday, March 4, 2024! The price will be 324 yen per bottle (including tax ) or 972 yen for a 3-pack (including tax). Even at the end of 2023, many events scheduled to be held in 2024 have already been announced. Whether you have a long history of "guess what" or you have just recently started "guess what" , let's wait for the release of the new product to enhance your guess what activities in 2024!