Nintendo Switch " Splatoon 3 " will finally go on sale on September 9, 2022 (Friday).
I'm sure there are many working people who are taking a "Splat vacation " in conjunction with the release of the game.
I didn't go so far as to take a vacation, but I started playing the downloadable version from midnight, and at the time of writing this article on September 9, I'm a little sleep deprived! I wanted to get up to rank 4!
I wanted to get up to Rank 4! Even though it was the midnight hour, the online matches were going fast, so there were a lot of people playing.
I'm sure everyone on a Splat vacation is eating collaboration food from 7-Eleven and Thirty-One at this very moment, and playing alongside items from the Ichiban Kuji Lottery, but why not add even more goodies to your collection?
Platinum point redeemable goods from the My Nintendo Store now include "Splatoon 3" goods!
New "Splatoon 3" Leisure Bag and Stickers!
New to the Platinum Point Redemption Goods are "Splatoon 3" graffiti designed leisure bags and stickers.
Both of them have a cool design. All of the Splatoon merchandise is cool, but this one is pretty cool too!
Splatoon 3 Graffiti Leisure Bag

Splatoon 3 Squid stickers (set of 3)
The "Graffiti Leisure Bag" can be redeemed for 500 Platinum Points and the "Ikasutekker" for 300 Platinum Points, and will be delivered in late October.
A separate shipping and packaging fee of 550 yen (including tax) will be required, but if you purchase items totaling 5,500 yen (including tax) or more, shipping will be free.
We're releasing a bunch of new merchandise in conjunction with the release of "Splatoon 3," so be sure to get your hands on some of it while you're at it!
Please check the My Nintendo Store for details and exchange!