Rockman X DiVE delivery start! Rena Ueda as Rico publishes a message and presents campaign!

Rockman X DiVE delivery start! Rena Ueda as Rico publishes a message and presents campaign!

Mega ManX DiVE ", an action RPG for smartphones distributed by CAPCOM in Taiwan, has been eagerly awaited for release in Japan.
Many of you may have been looking forward to this new spin-off of the " Mega ManX " series, which has a large number of fans.
Mega ManX DiVE" will finally be released on Monday, October 26, 2020!
To coincide with the start of distribution, a message from voice actress Rena Ueda, who plays the navigator "Rico" in the game, has been released!

Campaign to win an original wireless headphone of the Zero model!

Campaign to Commemorate the Release of Mega ManX DiVE

In addition, a "Distribution Commemoration Campaign" is being held to commemorate the distribution of "Mega Man X DiVE".
In the "Pre-registration Campaign" held during the pre-registration period, 20 people won an original wireless headphone, and 20 people will win an original wireless headphone in this " Distribution Commemorative Campaign " as well!
The previous original wireless headphones were the X model, but this time the original wireless headphones are the Zero model!
Zero fans will definitely want these red headphones.
To enter, simplyfollow the official Mega ManX DiVE Twitter account (@RX_DiVE) and retweet the target tweet !
In addition to the original wireless headphones, there are also 50 " S Hunter Tick ets" that can be used within the app.
The "S Hunter Ticket" can be used to randomly select one of the following S-class characters: " X Full Armor," " Black Zero," or " Cinnamon, " so it would be great to win either one.
The latest information on "Mega ManX DiVE" will be posted on the official Mega ManX DiVE Twitter account (@RX_DiVE ), so don't miss this opportunity to enter.
For more information on the "Distribution Commemoration Campaign", please visit the campaign site, and for more information on "Mega ManX DiVE", please visit Capcom's official "Mega ManX DiVE" website.

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