In June 2016, I applied for " Lyric speaker " which was pre-ordered at Isetan Mitsukoshi.

This " Lyric speaker " is a mysterious speaker that can display lyrics, and I would like to introduce the packaging!
The box is also decorated with a logo, giving it a luxurious look. The box is also decorated with a logo, giving it a luxurious look.

The box is designed to be easy to take out and store, and there are instructions on the top for opening the box.
I almost opened the box as usual without reading the instructions.
So, let's open the box!
What's inside the box...

The box looks luxurious when you open it, but is it because of the atmosphere?
At the top is the instruction manual and a set of accessories.
The accessories include a power cord and an instruction manual.
There is also a business card with a handwritten message from the creator.
As you would expect from the creator.
Now, let's take a look at the main body...
The main body of the transparent speaker.
When the power is not on, the glass surface is dimly dark.
I heard that lyrics are supposed to float here, but the color makes me a little uneasy if I can see them or not.
However, the back of the device is transparent.

When the device is activated, the screen brightens and a logo appears on the glass surface.
As for the initial setup, all you have to do is connect Wi-Fi from the dedicated app.
This is a procedure that is not complicated at all.
Moreover, it notifies you of the connected Wi-Fi name to prevent malfunctions.
Now, listen to the music (lyrics)!
Floating lyrics

I heard that the font and direction changes according to the tune of the song.
For Kenta Kiritani's "Umi no Koe (Voice of the Sea)," Gothic letters seem to flow from top to bottom and left to right.

For Beatles' "Across the Universe," the words are connected by a line and pulled up.
It's a very fitting atmosphere for the song.

Incidentally, when you play a song that does not have lyrics, "Request lyrics" will appear on the app, and if you send the request, the lyrics will be added to the song.
However, the app says that it will respond to the most frequently requested songs first, so we will have to wait and see when it will be available.
Consideration of "Lyric speaker
From a technical point of view
The lyrics are analyzed and displayed on the screen, or if the melody is simple with a small number of words, the lyrics are displayed in real time.
However, when using complex scales such as vocaloids and a large number of words, there seems to be a time lag in the display.
Even so, the difference is only one tempo, so the accuracy is probably quite high.
As for the performance of the speaker, I am not familiar with it, so I can't speak in detail, but I think it is Hi-Res compatible and sounds in good quality.
I think that the speaker is Hi-Res compatible and sounds good with good sound quality.
It is an interesting and stylish item for intellectuals. Not only listening to music, but also looking at the lyrics has a healing effect.

The volume can be adjusted with the knob on the top of the main unit, but it can also be operated with a smartphone.
In that case, the volume is displayed on the screen of the main unit, so it is easy to understand.
Overall, the transparent screen makes it a little difficult to see the lyrics when they are on the screen, but the background behind the screen is thinly transparent, so you can enjoy the atmosphere of the letters floating.
It is also very interesting to see how the lyrics are displayed on the screen since they are not shown when you look at the speaker from the back.

The only regret is that the lyrics are also displayed on the speaker part, so depending on the direction and the number of letters, it may not be possible to read all of the lyrics.
Also, it seems that the lyrics of songs that do not have lyrics displayed can be displayed by using the "petit li-li-li" service provided by ThinkPower Inc.
It is a painstaking task to input lyrics and match the timing of the lyrics to the song, but you may be moved to see the lyrics you input appear on the screen.
However, according to the terms and conditions of the service, only songs for which you are the author of the music or lyrics, or songs provided by a copyright management organization to which the service is licensed, will be displayed.
If you are interested, check out Lyric speaker's manufacturer website.