On the final day of TGS2019, we took a look at the CAPCOM Pro Tour 2019 ASIA Premier! Of the 1018 participants that took part in the Day 1 Preliminaries, the final 8 set to battle it out to decide who the best Street Fighter is!
Familiar MCs, Guests, and Commentators Appeared

Tsubaki Ayana makes her normal Capcom appearance as MC.

Comedian Sekine Tsutomu also makes his usual appearance, but sadly Utahiroba Jun wasn't able to make an appearance this time.

Play-by-play done by Aru and commentary by Hameko.
From 1000 Players to Eight

The last day of TGS 2019 saw the best eight out of over 1000 competitors make it to the final competition.
From left to right: Phenom (Norway), Shuto (Japan), Momochi (Japan), Mago (Japan).

From left to right: BigBird (UAE), AngryBird (UAE), Tokido (Japan), Kachikun (Japan).
Winners Semi Final 1st Match: Mago vs. BigBird!

Mago decides to go with Karin, while BigBird goes with Rashid.

Mago wins! The two players exchange an intense handshake in the end.
Winners Semi Final 2nd Match: Momochi vs. AngryBird!

Both players give each other a good handshake before the match begins.

With Kolin's Frost Touch, Momochi takes the win!
Losers Round 1st Match: Shuto vs. Tokido!

Next is rookie Shuto - he's made it far for only being 21 - and Tokido, who is now the face of eSports Energy Drink "e3", won last year's competition. The legend goes against the rookie! Who will win?!

Shuto goes with Urien, and Tokido takes him on with Akuma.
Shuto's skills make the crowd go wild, and he takes the win from Tokido. The crowd is bewildered, but excited and impressed.
Losers Round 2nd Match: Phenom vs. Gachikun!

Phenom goes in with Karin, while Gachikun uses Rashid. The costume that he's using was made by his request to Capcom! Sounds like a winner to me.

And of course he pulls out the win!
Losers Quarter Round 1st Match: AngryBird vs. Shuto!

Two players of the same age go against each other!Shuto could pass for a highschooler though...

AngryBird takes the win in the battle of the youngsters! They shake hands to show good sportsmanship.

Sekine also showed surprise at the odd of the match being between two players of the same age.
Losers Quarter Round 2nd Match: BigBird vs. Gachikun!

The audience is getting pumped up for this match!

BigBird takes control of the match and pulls out a great win!
WInners Final: Mago vs. Momochi!

Before the match, the two players exchange and electric stare.

You can feel the tension in the air from these two players.

The day of the competition is actually Karin's birthday, so Mago should definitely win, right?

Guess not... Momochi takes the win!
Losers Semifinal: AngryBird vs. Gachikun!

Will Gachikun come out on top? Let's see.

Just when we thought Gachikun would win, AngryBird suddenly pulls out the win! Amazing!
Losers Final: Mago vs. AngryBird!

Which player will continue to the final match?! This is the third match of the day for Mago, and the fourth for AngryBird.

Mago wins! We even got to see a small winner's pose from him at the end.

Then he let's loose, celebrating his victory. Now, he moves onto the grand final!

AngryBird congratulates Mago on his win.
Grand Final: Momocho vs. Mago!

Now for the final match! It's Momochi vs. Mago, again! Will Mago be able to get his revenge?

The match is about to start!

The intense look we got before returns.

The crowd is going wild! How often do you get to see two players like this go against each other twice in one day?!

With the time getting down to the last second and Mago seemingly able to get away... Momochi lands a final hit in the last four seconds!

Look at those health bars! With only a small difference in remaining stamina, Momochi takes the victory by merely a hair. The intensity is at its max.

Momochi takes the win, with Mago reflecting on what just went on.

Even so, the two players act in good sportsmanship and shake hands.
Momochi win the CAPCOM Pro Tour 2019 ASIA Premier! Now on to the awards.
Ono Yoshinori will be presenting the trophies to the competitors.

Phenom and Tokido tie for 7th place.

Shuto, who snagged his win from Tokido, comes in at 5th place.

BigBird also comes in for 5th.

Gachikun comes in at 4th.

And AngryBird in 3rd.

Runner-up Mago.

Champion Momochi receives his luxurious award.

Momochi, with his huge trophy.

Street Fighter producer Ono presents Momochi with a GigaCrysta monitor that was used at the preliminaries.

"I was able to show what I learned from all my practice. It was great going against, Mago, and he's an unbelievably powerful player. Today was a day he really showed his strength," Momochi said. Mago will definitely be working to be the best next year.
Momochi also said that he practices on a daily basis, and that definitely helped him, and also thanked the people who he battles with online and those that watch him play.
Lastly, a celebratory picture with everyone.

Players and MCs, everyone joins in to take a final picture.

Momochi gets his solo picture, or course.

CAPCOM Pro Tour 2019 ASIA Premier saw a great set of matches with Momochi taking the win. With him also taking the win at EVO Japan 2018, he's definitely in the spotlight now.
And that's it! The matches can be seen on Twitch and YouTube, so those that haven't seen the matches yet, be sure to head over and enjoy some intense matches!