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Mr. Monhan and Tsubasa Honda in jerseys and glasses "Just before the lifting of the hunting ban!" Monster Hunter Rise Appeared in "Digital Live Event"!

モンハン先生こと本田翼がジャージ&メガネ姿で「狩猟解禁直前!モンスターハンターライズ デジタルライブイベント」に登場!

Just before the hunting season opens! Monster Hunter Rise Digital Live Event" was held on March 9, 2021, and Tsubasa Honda, a self-confessed MonHun fan, appeared on stage.

In the commercial, she plays the role of "MonHun Sensei.

MonHun先生 本田翼Saiga NAK

Tsubasa Honda appeared in a commercial for "Monster Hunter Rise," the latest title in the MonHun series.
In the commercial, she is dressed in a white jersey and glasses, and is portrayed as "MonHun Sensei" teaching a class on "Monster Hunter Rise.

There is also a scene in which he becomes small in the commercial.

MonHun先生 本田翼
It will be this small.
Saiga NAK

In the "Appearance " part of the commercial, there is a scene in which MonHun himself becomes smaller.

Hot MonHun Talk!

辻本プロデューサーと一ノ瀬ディレクターとMonHun先生Saiga NAK

At the event, Capcom producer Tsujimoto and director Ichinose had a heated MonHun talk about MonHun.

Monster Hunter Rise will be released on Friday, March 26, 2021!

Saiga NAK

The new "Monster Hunter Rise" commercial featuring Dr. MonHun will be released nationwide on March 12.

Just before the hunting season opens! MonHun Sensei" from the "Monster Hunterize Digital Live Event" is not available in the archived version, so be sure to check out the photos of MonHun Sensei taken during the photo session.

Monster Hunter Rise will be released on Friday, March 26, 2021; if you want to be a student of Mr. MonHun, buy it and go hunting!


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

74013モンハン先生こと本田翼がジャージ&メガネ姿で「狩猟解禁直前!モンスターハンターライズ デジタルライブイベント」に登場!
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I want to take a class by Tsubasa Honda! Tv commercial of "Monster Hunter Rise" released!
I want to take a class by Tsubasa Honda! Tv commercial of "Monster Hunter Rise" ...

Is the case that the secret guest by whom the monster Hunter series latest model "monster Hunter rise" and "just before the lifting of hunting ba