TGS 2019 Part 1 - Business Day

TGS 2019 Part 1 - Business Day

Saiga NAK attended TGS 2019's business day that took place on September 12th, in Chiba!

This is just the first of a series of articles on TGS 2019 that we'll be bringing to you all, and we'll also have members heading to the general admission day, so keep your eyes open as we upload more of our adventures at TGS 2019!
We'll be breaking down one of the biggest game events in the world especially for you!

Off to PS4 Play Area!

Tokyo Game Show 2019
Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

As expected, the PS4 area was buzzing the most, with the Trials of Mana Remake playing on the main display!


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Granblue Fantasy: Versus - A Granblue Fantasy fighting game set to be released in February of next year.


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Sakura Wars - a Saiga NAK favorite!


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Final Fantasy VII Remake is the title everyone has been waiting for, and is probably the most anticipated title of next year, and Square even provided a demo trail available to play at TGS!

Even for business day, where admission to the general public wasn't happening, there was about a 50 to 60 minute wait, so one can only imaging how long the wait will be during the general admission days will be... Pro Tip: decide what games you want to play before going to cut down on waiting time.

Square Enix Booth

Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Square Enix was, of course, insanely pushing their FFVII remake, but that wasn't the only game they had brought to show off!


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Square Enix also made sure to push popular titles such as Dragon Quest 11 for the Switch, and the remastered version of Romancing Saga 3.

Sonic & Mario Come Together for the Olympics

Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Sega presented their Mario & Sonic at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics game, which brought in a decent audience!


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

And here we have Sakura Wars! A classic from the Sega generation is getting a makeover for its revival into a new gaming era!

Not only games: DoCoMo Booth

Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Japan's largest mobile carrier NTT DoCoMo came out to TGS 2019 to promote their efforts into 5G territory! With 5G's speeds, the game industry will also undoubtedly see advances and possibilities that have never been seen before, allowing more and more innovation into the future.


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

While spectators view on, discussions go on on-stage about 5G and mobile gaming.
There's also something on the table...


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

The character is from the Nyanko Great War, a tower battle defense game that has really gained popularity in the past couple of years. Although a simple game that is essentially one player that doesn't require data usage, who knows what could come with the introduction of 5G!


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

For Game Changers

"The evolution of games is a fight to break the limits..." couldn't be more right. And with that, the future sees more limits being overcome.


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

DoCoMo prepared a huge booth with DoCoMo girls promoting 5G.


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

5G Everywhere.

Booths for Game Makers

Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

TGS not only brings game players, but game makers from every corner of the world. These booths included companies promoting game server engines...


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

... to lottery services that anyone can enjoy!


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Companies offering support for game development also had booths set up at the event!


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Gaming news sites from abroad also appeared, leading to an interesting variety of participants.

Entertainment Companies also make an appreance!

Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Based in Shibuya, Tokyo, Stardust Promotion also participated in TGS 2019!


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Stardust Promotion recently made their way into the eSports world by getting started with eSports management. Esports players, commentators, and streamers are essentially entertainers, right?

Samsung Promotes their SSD

Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Samsung, famous for their Galaxy phone series, brought their Samsung SSD with them to the event. Last month, when we attended E-Sports Festival Hong Kong 2019, Samsung decided to show off their smartphone line and VR tech. Changing your promotions to your audience is always a smart move.


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

"Make your storage cute! says the samsung girl. We have no choice.
We even recently asked women at our company about what disappoints them in a man:

  • My boyfriend had an HDD instead of an SSD...
  • My boyfriend's PS4 didn't even have an SSD hooked up to it...

So guys, you know what that means. You better get your hands on a good SSD!

Bandai Namco's Huge Booth

Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Fittingly, the area was filled with the company's signature orange color.


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Probably the most exciting part of this article for our older fans would be this huge model of a Tamiya Mini 4WD Avante! Definitely one of those things you only see in Japan.


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Orange! Orange Bandai Namco girls everywhere!


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Even business day had some cosplay action! Here, we have Mia from Code Vein!


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

More Mia!


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Bandai Namco definitely understands the importance of fan service with a dedicated photo booth!

Capcom makes an appearance with Monster Hunter

Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Such Power! Hunters, gather quickly!


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

Monster Hunter girls passing out posters for our swag bag!


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

What a cute monster.


Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

With smile like that, who wouldn't take a poster?

We made sure to also made sure to sit in on the CAPCOM eSports Business Strategy Presentation, and write about the Intel World Open, so take a look!

Intel & CAPCOM Present "Intel World Open" at TGS 2019

TGS 2019 Business Day 1 Comes to an End

Tokyo Game Show 2019
Saiga NAK Editorial Team

This is only one part of all the TGS action we have for you all!
Stay on the look out for all of our information on TGS 2019 coming up soon! Keep checking Saiga NAK( for our updates!