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Report on the booth of META HORSE, the NFT racehorse racing game

「NFT競走馬」を使って勝利を目指せ!TGS2023にてNFT競馬ゲーム「META HORSE」のブースをレポート!

Tokyo Game Show 2023 (TGS2023), one of Japan's largest game festivals, was held from Thursday, September 21 to Sunday, September 24, 2023. META HORSE ", an NFT racehorse racing game, was exhibited at TGS2023, the largest-ever event held at Makuhari Messe.

Report on the "META HORSE" booth!

Saiga NAK

The META HORSE booth is located in Hall 8. A staff member told us that META HORSE is a Play to Earn horse racing game in which players aim to win using NFT racehorses. At the booth, visitors were encouraged to register on LINE. By registering, visitors could participate in races and the results would be announced at a separate booth.

White horse object
Saiga NAK

A white horse sculpture shining brightly stood out in the booth.

SNS Campaign
Saiga NAK

There was also a SNS campaign to win a TGS-exclusive NFT racehorse.

Treasure Hunt Campaign
Saiga NAK

The blockchain game "Our Saga" was also promoted at the same booth.

Excitement over the race results
Saiga NAK

The results of the races were being announced at a separate booth, and the crowd was very excited. Players with NFT racehorses could participate in the race, and the winners were awarded tokens. It seems that players will be able to experience the thrill and excitement of racing, just like in real horse races.

At TGS2023, many FNT contents and Metaverse booths were noticeable. The number is expected to increase even more at next year's TGS. For more information on "META HORSE," please visit the official website.


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