Apex Legends Mobile, the smartphone title of Electronic Arts' free-to-play hero shooter " Apex Legends," will end its service on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. (Japan time). The service will end at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 (Japan time).
ついにモバイル版が登場!「Apex Legends Mobile」の配信日が2022年5月18日(水)に決定!事前登録者数は1400万人を突破!
The end of the service after about a year of operation

Apex Legends Mobile" was launched on Wednesday, May 18, 2022. It was a title that attracted a lot of attention because it was a smartphone title of the worldwide hit "Apex Legends," but the service will end after less than a year. According to the official Japanese Twitter account "Apex Legends Mobile Japan" (@apexmobile_jp ), the reason for the service termination is " Due to factors beyond our control, we were unable to maintain a high quality experience and content for our players. We were unable to maintain a high quality experience and content for our players due to factors beyond our control. " he said. Although the service termination has been announced, the " Apex Legends Mobile Truck Casual Tournament " will be held on March 18 (Sat.) and March 19 (Sun.), 2023 in Shibuya, Tokyo, and other events are scheduled to be held in succession. Let's continue to enjoy "Apex Legends Mobile" until the service ends in May. For more information on "Apex Legends Mobile," please visit the official Japanese website.
この度、「Apex Legends Mobile」は、誠に勝手ながら2023年5月2日午前8時(日本時間)をもちまして、サービスを終了させていただくことになりました。日頃ご愛顧いただいておりますお客様には突然のお知らせとなりましたことを、運営及び開発チーム一同、深くお詫び申し上げます。
— Apex Legends Mobile Japan (@apexmobile_jp) January 31, 2023