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Morinaga and Monstruo Collaboration's Hi-Chew and Choco Balls Now on Sale; Kyoro-chan's All-Out Costume Play Draws Attention

次世代FPS「Arena Breakout」のシーズン2「軍港の戦い」が10月27日に実装決定

Morinaga Seika Ka isha, Ltd. has announced a collaboration with MIXI's popular smartphone game " Monster Strike " (MonSt), which will celebrate its 10th anniversary in October 2023! New Choco Balls and limited design Hi-Chews will be released in mid-October.

Morinaga Seika x MonSt collaboration!

Morinaga Seika, which offers a variety of products such as sweets and ice cream, and "MonSt," a smartphone game by MIXI, which will celebrate its 10th anniversary in October 2023 and has been holding various events in and outside of the game, have collaborated! A number of new products and products with limited designs will be available from mid-October 2023. Check to see if your favorite MonSt character is available!

Limited collaboration design "Hi-Chew" (20 types in total)

限定デザインパッケージ"ハイチュウ"PR TIMES

High chu, a snack for adults and children alike, is now available in MonSt collaboration's limited design package. Five flavors are named after MonSt characters, including " Hello World Mode Strawberry Flavor " and " Curious Green Apple Flavor.

New Products & Limited Collaboration Design "Choco Balls" (8 types)

チョコボール<友情コンボチョコビス>PR TIMES

Chocoballs <Friendship Combo Chocobis>" are a new product from the collaboration! These crispy biscuits are coated with milk chocolate. The package features the well-known character "Kyoro-chan" dressed up as MonSt's "Chihaya" and "Arsene" in cute(?) costumes. The wig does a good job. The wig does a good job. In addition, the standard flavors of peanut, caramel, and strawberry are also available in special packages.

The collaboration design of each product will be changed sequentially from late October 2023, and "Choco Balls <Friendship Combo Choco Bis>" is scheduled to be released on October 31, 2023 (Tuesday ).


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

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