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The new killer is an AI robot! New Chapter "End Transmission," the First Sci-Fi Horror-Themed Chapter in "Dead by Daylight," Launches June 14

新キラーはAIロボット!「Dead by Daylight」初のSFホラーがテーマの新チャプター「End Transmission(通信終了)」が6月14日発売

Canada's Behaviour Interactive Inc.'s asymmetrical survival horror game "Dead by Daylight " (DbD) will celebrate its 7th anniversary in May 2023. In addition to the recently announced collaboration with Nicolas Cage, a new chapter, "End Transmission," was announced at the anniversary celebration event that was distributed to commemorate DbD's 7th anniversary.

「Dead by Daylight」にハリウッド俳優ニコラス・ケイジ氏が本人役で参戦!ティザートレーラー公開!

The first sci-fi horror film! New chapter "End Transmission" is now available!

A new chapter "End Transmission" will be released in DbD on June 14, 2023 (Wednesday). The new chapter will be the first in DbD with a sci-fi horror theme.

New map "Toba Landing


The new chapter "End Transmission" will introduce the new map "Tova Landing Site", a planet shrouded in unknown horror and mystery. The map features the buildings and ruins of an ancient civilization left behind by Huxley, a greedy corporation that explored the planet with the intention of developing a new world, and its unique biome has a terrifying atmosphere that cannot be found on Earth. The map consists of three different environments: the buildings left behind by the Huxley Corporation, the eerie jungle, and the ruins of an ancient civilization.

The Singularity," a new AI robot killer

新キラー"The Singularity(シンギュラリティ)"

Killer "The Singularity"


The Singularity", an AI robot, is a new killer that will be introduced in this year's event. Singularity" is an AI that has gained new knowledge after its data has been tampered with by extraterrestrial technology. It has the ability to expand its scouting range with its "BioPod" and scout for survivors from anywhere on the map. The BioPod can also be affixed to a person or a wall, and using the "Slipstream," the AI can reassemble itself in the survivor's position and sneak up on them. Survivors who are affected by the slipstream can transmit it to other survivors, making it a very powerful killer.

New Survivor "Gabrielle Soma" is now available!

New Survivor "Gabrielle Soma"

A new survivor, Gabrielle Soma, will appear in the new chapter "End Transmission". Gabriel Thoma, who was in charge of managing Huxley's base at the Tova landing site, is the only survivor of the spaceship's crew. He stands in the way of the new killer, Singularity's ambition to become the perfect life form. The survivor is supported by a tool called EMP, which temporarily disables the bio-pods and removes the slipstream of other survivors.

Space-themed costumes are now available!

Space-themed costumes are now available for the killer "Singularity" and survivor "Gabriel Soma" in the new chapter "End Transmission". The "Huxley Hybrid" costume for Singularity will incorporate more mechanical parts into Singularity's body. Gabriel's "Extravehicular Activity Space Suit" is designed to look like a protective suit worn during rescue operations. Get each costume and have fun!

New chapter "End Transmission" will be released on June 14!

The new chapter "End Transmission" will be released on Wednesday, June 14, 2023. It will be available on Steam, PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Epic Games Store, Windows Store, and Nintendo Switch.

Prior to the official launch of the new chapter "End Transmission", the PTB will begin on Wednesday, May 24, 2023. Play the PTB before the official launch to experience the new map and the terror of the new killer. For more information on DbD, please visit the official website or follow us on Twitter (@DeadbyBHVR_JP ).


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese. at the moment.

34201新キラーはAIロボット!「Dead by Daylight」初のSFホラーがテーマの新チャプター「End Transmission(通信終了)」が6月14日発売
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New archive "Academic Book 15: Ascent" will be available in Dead by Daylight on ...

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