The "DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation" (DOAXVV) of the Dead or Alive series features "Honoka", "Monica", and "Luna" in the trendy "Komorebi-Humming" outfit. and "Luna" in the "DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation".
ステップ3/3の10連ガチャで、SSR出現確率が3倍♪5/12(水) 23:59 まで♪#DOAXVV #ブイブイ
— DOAX VenusVacation公式 (@doax_vv_staff) May 6, 2021
Promise to be opened
The Trend Codes Gacha, in which "Komorebi-Humming" can be obtained, ends today, May 12 (Wed.) at 23:59.
The following promo items are available