Nostalgic Codes Gacha "Naked Summer" is now available for DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation (DOAXVV), a part of the Dead or Alive series. Naked Summer" is now available.
The "Naked Summer" Codes Gacha, which will be held from Wednesday, May 7, will only be available for "Tamaki", "Marie", "Kasumi" and "Kokoro".
「たまき、マリー、かすみ、こころ」の『ネイキッドサマー』が登場するガチャは 5/12 (火) 14:59 まで!
それ以降は、別の女の子4人のガチャに切り替わるから、ゲットしたい方はお忘れなく♪ #ブイブイ— DOAX VenusVacation公式 (@doax_vv_staff) May 7, 2020
Promide to be opened
Trend Codes Gacha Natsukashi Codes Gacha "Naked Summer (Tamaki, Marie, Kasumi, Kokoro)" will be available until 14:59 on Tuesday, May 12.
The following promo items will be open to the public.
In addition, "Fiona", "Nagisa", "Kanna" and "Momiji" will appear in the "Naked Summer" Codes Gacha, which will be held on Tuesday, May 12 at 15:00.