The "Dragon Quest Walk" has become even more exciting with the announcement of the implementation of "Advanced Profession" in the recently released "Smart Walk #2".
In order to change to a higher level job, you need to have reached the level of 50 or above in the two relevant professions. As a relief(?) measure, the "Metal Festival", an event in which metal monsters appear in large numbers to gain a large amount of experience, is being held, and an increasing number of brave souls are roaming the streets to reach level 50 in multiple professions.
The "Smart Walk Mini" with additional information on these advanced professions has been released!
Update information of "Dragon Quest Walk" released!
Advanced level Profession "Wise Man" & "Ranger" are announced!
In the previously released "Smart Walk #2", all but the "Battle Master", who can change jobs as a warrior + martial artist, were silhouetted, but now the remaining advanced professions have been announced!
A monk + a wizard makes a "Wise Man".

A martial artist and a thief can change into a "Ranger"!

The new job is now available for the three new advanced jobs.
So now we know all three of the new advanced jobs that will be implemented this time around.

If it is the same as in the past Dragon Quest series, a "Wise Man" can use both monk and wizard spells, and learn more powerful spells.
The "Ranger" has both speed and attack power, and also learns supportive skills, but what will the abilities be like in Dragon Quest Walk?
In addition, it seems that the "Heart of the Monster", which had a limit of three pieces of equipment in the higher ranks, will be increased by one piece to four pieces!

The "Heart of the Monster" is essential to improve the ability, so just one more equipment slot will be a great help!

The "Battle Master" in the "Smart Walk Mini" is wearing some strange equipment and is using a special technique called "Moon Shadow Scythe"... Is it safe to assume that there will be a new fukubiki? I'm so excited!
The update will be on January 28th!
At the end of the "Smart Walk Mini", it was announced that the update date for the advanced level will be Tuesday, January 28, 2020!

The current "Metal Festival" will end at 14:59 on Tuesday, January 28, 2020, so it is safe to assume that the update will be implemented at 15:00!
The "Metal Festival" will be held on Tuesday, January 28, 2020 at 14:59, so you can expect it to be implemented at 15:00!
I made a mistake in choosing the wrong profession, and now I have to raise my main character, a martial artist (level 35 as of this writing), to level 50 to get a higher level job! I need more metal radar!!!!
Let's walk around this weekend to get to level 50!